D-RoB Chapter 2. Flaming squirrel.

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Y/n - Speak.
Hiccup - Speak.

~No one's P.O.V~

"Follow me!" Y/n shouted from Shadow, they flew down between the trees in the forest near Raven Point.

"Low level maneuver. Let's go!" Y/n called to the others.

When you're riding a dragon, communication is the key.

Hiccup and Toothless spun in between the trees and just above the rocks.

You almost have to read each other's mind.

Y/n changed tail fin position at the exact same time as Shadow and they flew up.

Or else..

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Snotlout yelled after the female when he saw her fly up. Hookfang began just to fly his own way, hitting bushes and trees.

"Are you trying to kill me?!" He asked his dragon, he got a roar, mostly sounding like a yes, in respond.

You have to have an open mind because sometimes, your dragon knows better than you.

Coming to two over crossed trees, Astrid looked down at Stormfly, "Stormfly, up!"

Instead, Stormfly flung Astrid into the air while she flew under the trees, on the other side of them Astrid landed back on her, "You were right Stormfly. It was down. I almost died."

"Almost died?! I would've died!" Snotlout shouted to Astrid, pulling some sticks out of his nose, but when Astrid 'complimented' his look, he stuck it back in.

"Anyone seen Fishlegs?" Hiccup asked.

"I think I saw him yesterday, does that count?" Ruffnut responded causing Hiccup to groan.

"Astrid, get the others back to the academy. Hiccup and I will go, find Fishlegs!" Y/n told Astrid, who nodded. Y/n looked behind her and shoved her head forward, telling Hiccup to lead the way.

~No one's P.O.V~

"Whoa! There you are Fishlegs!" Hiccup exclaimed as he landed Toothless along with Y/n landing on Shadow.

"Are you okay?" Y/n asked when she saw the boy stuck in a tree, getting off of Shadow.

"I'm fine! Just hanging out! It's not like I crashed or anything." There were a silence for a few seconds, "Okay, I crashed. There, I said it." Fishlegs admitted.

Hiccup tried to pull him out by grabbing his ankles, his pants, however, couldn't hold on and Hiccup accidentally ripped his pants off.

"And there goes my a dignity."

Y/n stood with crossed arms, still looking.

Hiccup gave her a weird look as he held the boy's pants in his hands.

Noticing Hiccup's look, Y/n shrugged and muttered a little, "What?" Before looking back at Fishlegs' butt.

"Fishlegs, I think I know how to get you down, but you have to stay perfectly still." Y/n told the boy, silently walking over to Shadow.

"Why? What're you gonna do?"

"Careful, Shadow. He's not wearing any pants." Y/n told Shadow, she growled as if saying 'I know.'

"Huh?! Wait a second! What does my lack of pants-" Y/n signaled Shadow to shoot and she shot a plasma blast towards the boy.

The blast made him fly out of the tree and Toothless moved fast, catching the boy on his back.

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