D-RoB Chapter 13. Eggs On Berk.

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Y/n - Speak.
Hiccup - Speak.

~No one's P.O.V~

Vikings are strong, tough, and courageous, but courage is a funny thing.

The Twins circled each other, their shields pulled close to their bodies.

Many are born with it. For some, it's a never-ending struggle.

Ruffnut moved fast, using her shield to hammer on Tuffnut's shield, ripping it from his hands.

He ended up on the ground, Ruffnut coming out victorious.

And for others, well, they just don't know enough to be afraid.

"As I've said a million times, and as Ruffnut has demonstrated so splendidly, the shield can be your most important weapon." Gobber explained to the group of teens, "Who's next?"

"Hold on. I don't get to hit her back?" Tuffnut asked as he sat up, holding his bleeding nose.

"On your own time." The old blacksmith responded before turning to the rest of the teens, "Hiccup, Astrid."

Astrid punched her fist into the palm of her hand in excitement. With her crush gone, she didn't have to hold back on the poor boy.

Hiccup on the other hand...

"Well, I-I don't think it's really fair for me to be fighting As-" Hiccup got cut off when Astrid threw a few punches at him.

At the fourth punch, Hiccup dodged, flipping Astrid over his shoulder, the he turned around with a smug grin on his face, thinking of all of his improvements.

It doesn't last long before Astrid pounced on him, tackling him to the ground, she put him in a rather painful arm lock.

"When you're in a situation like this, it's best to remain calm and take deep breaths." Gobber explained to the struggling boy, Hiccup tried to take a deep breath, but found it hard, "When that's not an option, I advise playing dead."

At Gobber's words, Hiccup gave up struggling, dropping his head to the ground, "Just like that." Gobber praised, "Well done, Hiccup. Good form, Astrid."

Astrid released Hiccup from the hold, letting him get up, "Okay, okay, Hiccup. Your shoulder should pop back into place in no time." Hiccup spoke to himself as Astrid left to stand by Gobber.

"Snotlout, Fishlegs, let's see what you've got." Gobber spoke.

Snotlout threw his arms into the air, "Whoo! I think we all know what I've got! Snotlout! Snotlout! Oi! Oi! Oi!" The teens cheered, throwing punches at the air.

"Fishlegs, don't be shy." Gobber reassured when he couldn't see the boy in the Academy, "Vikings can't rely on dragons alone to protect them." He said, searching the area for the boy, "Eh, thoughts on Fishlegs' whereabouts? Anyone?" When Gobber was met with silence, he moved on.

"Very well, Y/n, Snotlout." He clapped his hand and hook together, letting his eyes scan around before he asked, "Uh, Y/n? Where's Y/n?"

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