Chapter 15. Fire burns.

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~No one's P.O.V~

The giant dragon got closer to the females as they got into the dark grey clouds. It opened its mouth, ready to finally get rid of them, but when it snapped its mouth closed, they disappeared, leaving the dragon confused.

Y/n had to narrow her eyes to see through the thick clouds and get the Red Death in her sight.

From the island they heard as the giant snarled in irritation and yet, they couldn't see anything, which left them all in worry and a bad feeling in the pit of their stomachs.

The dragon growled as it flew around in the clouds, trying to catch sight of the invaders, instead of that, it got a high pitched sound from behind, followed by a plasma blast send from a hidden blue eyed female.

It roared in pain from the powerful blast.

When it turned around another blast were sent at it, hitting its wing from above from the green eyed dragon. As it let out a cry, Y/n made Shadow shoot another plasma blast to its other wing, making its attention fall off of Toothless and Hiccup, who were slightly visible because of Hiccup's green shirt.

"Ohh!" Gobber let out a gasp along with many other when they saw the sky lighten up every time a blast were sent from the Night Furies.

They could only see the shadow of the giant beast every time they sent a blast at it.

The dragon roared in pain and irritation before letting its fire out, one enormous blast. It shot it everywhere in hopes of hitting something as it could barely see.

"Watch out!" Y/n called to Hiccup as she made Shadow circle above him and pushed him and Toothless away from the fire blast, but before she could get away, the fire caught up to Shadow's tail, "That was stupid." She told herself when she looked back at the burning tail.

Hiccup looked at her with worried eyes, "Okay, time's up! Playtime's over." She said as she looked at Hiccup, "Make sure Toothless is safe." She told him before she patted Shadow's side, "Let's see if this works."

"Y/n, wait!" Hiccup shouted as Y/n flew towards the dragon, Toothless roared after the females, but they didn't slow down or change direction, "Come on, bud." Hiccup patted Toothless and they followed the girl's and yet kept their distance to stay out of their way. Or they could put their lives in danger.

But their lives were already at stake when the fire slowly ate away of Shadow's prosthetic tail fin.

Shadow roared as they made their appearance to the wild dragon, "Come on! Is that the best you can do?!" Y/n teased the dragon, irritating it even more than it already were. It didn't help when they tauntingly flew up in its face and then past it.

The dragon snapped after them while Hiccup and Toothless watched and followed with worry filling their veins.

They watched as Y/n and Shadow began to dive out of the cloud cover, making the dragon follow them as it had completely forgotten about the other Night Fury and his rider.

It roared in victory when it were right behind them, Y/n shifted the tail position make them fly faster, but it didn't work as the tail almost were burned off and the leather slowly were disappearing, they had no choice but to wait.

"Stay with me, Shadow. We're good. Just a little bit longer." Y/n tried to make the dragon relax a bit by patting the side of her head while speaking softly when she could feel her freaking out.

The Red Death narrowed its eyes at them, they had no way out, it knew that, "Hold, Shadow." Y/n told her blue eyed friend when she could hear the dragon behind them sucking in the air, filling its body with gas.

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