Chapter 12. Dragonborn.

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(Don't play the song yet!)

~No one's P.O.V~

Hiccup watched as the men readied the ships to sail towards Helheim's Gate.

He had lost everything.
His village.
His dad.
The girl he liked.

Oh, the girl he like. She would never forgive him, he knew that even if he tried to get her to do so, there would always be a bit of hesitation in her eyes, afraid of being stabbed in the back yet again.

"Set sail!" He heard his dad order before looking up at his son, who just stood there, watching them leave with Shadow, chained up without a way out.

"Lead us home, she devil." Stoick growled at the blue eyed Night Fury, who had never been so afraid before.

Hiccup watched as they slowly sailed away, disappearing from sight and yet, he still stood there, looking over the sea.

Astrid had been standing there with him in all that time, silence filled the air as neither of them knew what to say.

"It's a mess." Astrid finally spoke up, walking up beside Hiccup, "I feel horrible. You must feel that too." She said, feeling bad that she didn't do anything herself.

"You've lost everything." But she knew the loose Hiccup felt were greater, "Your father, your tribe, your best friend, Y/n." Astrid counted everything.

"Thank you for summing that up." Hiccup sarcastically thanked the blonde beside him, still looking at the never ending water, "Why didn't I just kill Toothless when I found him in the woods?" He asked no one in particular.

"It would have been better for everyone."

"Yep. The rest of us would have done it." Astrid said, not disagreeing with him one bit, "So why didn't you?" She asked, her voice a bit more serious.

"Well, before I could Shadow tackled me." Hiccup awkwardly said, but that wasn't the answer Astrid were looking for.

"Why didn't you?" She asked once again, facing him.

"I don't know." Hiccup began, turning away from the Viking, "I couldn't."

"That's not an answer." Astrid told him, getting slightly irritated about how slow the conversation was going.

"Why is this so important to you all of a sudden?!"

"Because I wanna remember what you say right now." Astrid continued, refusing to give up on getting him to talk.

"Oh, for the love of-" Hiccup turned to face the girl, exploding, "I was a coward. I was weak. I wouldn't kill a dragon. I wouldn't hurt Y/n."

"You said, 'wouldn't' two times."

"Oh, whatever! I wouldn't!" Hiccup exploded, "Three hundred years, and I'm the first Viking who wouldn't kill a dragon." Hiccup almost screamed.

The two looked at each other a few seconds, Astrid with a shocked look and Hiccup with a slight angry one, but he only put that face on to hide his sorrow. Hiccup turned away, making Astrid face his back.

"First to ride one, though." Hiccup shook his head, "No, Y/n was. She taught me everything." Hiccup took a deep breath, "That's why I couldn't do it."

"Why...?" Astrid carefully asked.

"I wouldn't kill him after I saw how he and Shadow reacted to Y/n being hurt. I wouldn't kill him because I saw how frightened he was to lose her."

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