D-RoB Chapter 7. Trust or Nah, part 1.

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Y/n - Speak.
Hiccup - Speak.

~No one's P.O.V~

"Come on!" Y/n shouted while Shadow sped up, her speed getting incredibly high.

The way of lies have always been confusing me. I don't get them.

"That's it." Y/n's voice was muffled under her mask, along with her hair hidden by her hood.

Shadow turned sharply to the right, exiting the thick forest.

Actions prove who someone is, words just prove who they pretend to be.

"They're out!" She heard Astrid shout to Fishlegs when she saw them.
Speeding out over to the rock placed in the middle of the sea, the flag placed there blowing violently by the wind from their speed.

You want to lie? Do it. I won't know you really are.

"Let's go!" The girl shouted, Shadow sped down under the sea stack, letting a roar of victory escape her.

You want my trust? Show me that there's something in you that I can trust.

"Yep! It's a new course record." Hiccup concluded, looking at the time board.

"So, how'd we do?" Y/n asked, getting into the academy before hopping off of Shadow's back.

"Technically you're still the fastest, but some, and I won't mention who, are gaining significant ground." Fishlegs told her.

Pulling down her hood, her eyes went to Tuffnut and Ruffnut, who were head-butting each out on top of Barf and Belch, "Don't look at us!"

Her eyes then went to Hiccup and Astrid, who stood there, petting their dragons while sending smiles, holding a lot of cockiness, to the girl.

"How can that be? How can Shadow be getting slower?" Y/n asked, one hand on her hip.

That never happened before.

"She's not. They're getting faster."

"Oh, really?" She started, pulling down her mask, "Is that so? Anything you'd like to share?" She asked the two.

"What? Toothless grumbled about being slow, I'm just helping him out." Hiccup shrugged, and yet a mischievous smile on his pink lips.

"Astrid?" Y/n called the girl, crossing her arms.

"Let's just say I've been experimenting on what she eats. Apparently, it's working. And, making you mad."

Just as she finished, Stormfly belched, letting out a little fire by accident.

"Whoo! Haha! Whoo!" Snotlout's voice echoed in the air before he arrived at the academy, "You will not believe what I just found!"

"A severed head?"

"Our cousin, Lars?"

"Our cousin Lars' severed head?"

"Lars died?"

"Who said that?!"

"Um, excuse me?" Snotlout took everyone's attention back, "Do you guys wanna see this, or not?"

~No one's P.O.V~

"Just remember, I saw it first, so it's mine." Snotlout reminded the others for the tenth time as they landed on the other side of Berk.

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