D-RoB Chapter 9. Scars of the Past.

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Y/n - Speak.
Hiccup - Speak.

~No one's P.O.V~

"Toothless, you should get some sleep." Y/n warned the male dragon.

Everybody has a past. Dragons too.

Shadow whimpered under Y/n's touch, "I know, Shadow. I feel it. He's here." Y/n said, caressing her head.

Toothless growled at the ground before making his way over to his sisters.

"Sleep, Toothless." Y/n told him, he growled at the ground again before joining Y/n and Shadow.

They had both decided to sleep with Shadow, not wanting her to feel at risk.

And sometimes, the past can come back to haunt them.

Y/n caressed both of them, assuring them by the fact that she was there like last time.

She stayed awake that night.

Fully aware of the danger lurking beneath.

~No one's P.O.V~

The next day, Stoick and Gobber are among the first to discover a huge hole bored in the middle of the village.

And when it does, you're gonna need to be there for them.

A group of four, two of them being Night Furies, made their way to the hole.

While Shadow kept her distance from the hole, Hiccup took in notice of how fast Y/n and Toothless went towards it.

Toothless looked down into the dark hole, Y/n got down on one knee and picked up a small amount of dirt, she sniffed it before throwing it into the hole, nodding.

Toothless roared down at the hole in anger, suddenly feeling restless.

"Whoa, hey! Come on, it's just a hole, bud." Hiccup soothed the dragon while Y/n glared into the hole.

"It's not just a hole! It's like an underground village!" Bucket, who Mulch was looking for, was already inside of the hole.

"Bucket! There you are. I've been looking for you all night!" Mulch exclaimed, leaning over the hole to see the Viking with a bucket on his head.

"Sorry, Mulch. But I think I finally found it! My happy place!" While bucket claims so, something feral targeted him and ejected him from the hole in a massive burst of debris.

"Are you alright, Bucket?" Stoick hastily asked the Viking as he adjust the bucket on his head.

"Not so happy anymore." He shook his head.

"What happened?"

"Something pushed me out! Something's down there. Something big!" He told in fear as he stood up.

Toothless growled at the hole, Y/n didn't take anymore seconds to think, she jumped into the hole to confront the creature without letting Hiccup know, Toothless roared after her before jumping down with the female.

They both stared down in the tunnels they could choose, Toothless ran into one of the tunnels, looking back to see Y/n following him as they searched the underground maze.

Meanwhile, the ground started to tremble, and the Vikings listen in fearful anticipation as a deadly slithering, whispering sound reached their ears.

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