Chapter 14. Time to disappear.

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Author's Note: Guys, we're getting close to the end of the first movie and I don't know why, but I'm so excited!!

~No one's P.O.V~

"It's working!" Fishlegs exclaimed as the giant dragon began to lose sight, but the noises also affected their dragons.

Hookfang accidentally flew into the side of the dragon, knocking his rider off and onto the dragon's head, "I've lost power on the Gronckle! Snotlout, do something!" Fishlegs shouted, throwing his hammer to him, Astrid flew away on Stormfly before the noises could affect her.

Fishlegs and Meatlug crashed on the ground. The dragon were about to step them down, but stopped in its tracks when one of its many eye stung, "I can't miss! What's wrong, buddy? Something in your eye?" Snotlout asked the dragon as he kept hitting the dragon's eyes with the hammer Fishlegs threw.

"Yeah! You're the Viking!" Astrid cheered on Snotlout as she flew by. Snotlout smiled at the girl, but when the dragon moved, and Snotlout fell off of its head, now hanging on to one of the dragon's horns, "Hey! Whoa!" He shouted when he saw how long he would fall down.

He looked back up and tried to climb back up to its head.

Meanwhile on the burning ship, Y/n tried to get the chains off but they wouldn't budge. The giant beast turned around, its tail hitting the mast of the burning ship, making Y/n jump out of the way before it could land on her.

Its claws then hit the end of the ship, making Shadow fall out of the ship and sink to the bottom of the sea. Y/n fell out too, her hood and mask falling off in the process. She searched for the dragon in the water, she saw her sinking lower and lower and swam down to her.

She tried to pull the chains, but it didn't work, she could feel her lungs beginning to burn up, needing fresh air and yet she refused to leave Shadow's side. She had been gone long enough.

Shadow roared in worry when blood from Y/n's yet to be healed, gash mixed in with the water. But the dragon didn't notice the tears leaving the girl's eyes, she hugged the blue eyed Night Fury, afraid of the fact that this might be their last moment together.

The air slowly left Y/n's lungs as she hugged the black dragon, she slightly pulled away to look in the dragon's blue orbs, they would have continued to stare into each other's eye till there end if it wasn't because of a third member joining them under the water.

Stoick came swimming down, fast. Y/n turned around, glaring at the man, she wished to kill him right at that moment, but she couldn't be so selfish.

She looked at the man and saw his eyes no longer clouded with hate as they had earlier. She glanced back at Shadow, before facing the Viking, they stared for a moment before Y/n hesitantly moved to the side, gesturing the man to get to work with her head.

Y/n began to blur out when Stoick moved towards the dragon, he struggled to get the tree made collar off of the dragon's throat.

He grabbed on to it as Shadow began to roar in worry for Y/n when she saw her slowly sink in the water, bobbles flying out of her open mouth.

Stoick finally reared the collar off of the dragon and with out second thought, Shadow grabbed Y/n in one paw and Stoick with another, quickly getting out of the water.

She threw Stoick on the ground while she carefully landed with Y/n in her paws, "Y/n!" Hiccup shouted as he ran to her, Toothless right behind him.

Y/n didn't move, she were just laying there, "No..." Hiccup slowed down. Toothless kept running to his best friends, when he reached he nuzzled his sister, so happy to see her with out being hurt before turning his head to Y/n.

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