Chapter 16. Done with.

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Author's Note: Sorry, guys. I'm not so happy about this chapter but I couldn't make it better.

~No one's P.O.V~

Shadow softly growled at the girl laying in the bed, she sniffed the girl, waiting to see her move.

When she saw a little movement, she backed away, growling playfully at the girl, she smiled when Y/n weakly opened her eyes.

She nudged her cheek, "Hey, Shadow." She kept nudging her cheek, she had been out for way too long, "I'm happy to see you too, Shadow." She said, holding her face back when she tried to lick her.

Shadow placed her paw on Y/n's stomach in an attempt to get closer, making her shoot up with a groan at the sudden weight.

"Uh..." She trailed off when she noticed her surroundings, "I'm in a house." She said, looking around, recognizing her surroundings as a house like the one she had lived in long ago, "You're in a house." Y/n stated while Shadow excitedly slurped, almost impossible for her to stay still.

She began to jump around on the walls and over the fire in the middle of the house, "Do they know we're here?" She asked the Night Fury, who only sniffed her, "What? Uhh, okay, okay." She said, not understanding what was going on.

Shadow moved away and jumped up on a log that helped holding the house up, "Shadow, no. No, Shadow." She scratched a little on the log, "Shadow!" Her name caught her attention and she looked at the girl, her head upside down as she looked between her legs.

"Oh, come on." She moved to stand up, but pain shot in her arm and leg when she moved, she used her other hand to pull the covers off of her and she were saddened to see her leg wrapped in bandages along with her arm.

She felt a slight pain on her cheek, but nothing much, she let her hand go over her face, feeling the gashes she had were healed making her frown, "How long were I out for?" She asked her best friend as she jumped down from the log.

She made her way to Y/n, letting her use her head to lean on as she stood up, "Thank you, Shadow." She looked around in the house, "Tell me, where's Toothless?" She asked, the Night Fury began to lead her to the door, indicating he were in that direction.

Y/n sighed as she opened the door, her eyes wide, "I knew it, I'm dead." She told herself when she looked outside, seeing Deadly Nadders on the roof tops, Gronckles eating fish of what used to big torches, Monstrous Nightmares flying by and Zipplebacks walking around with Vikings, helping them.

"I'm dead, right?" She asked Shadow, needing someone to confirm her theory when she heard a laugher from her other side, "No, but you gave it your best shot." Stoick walked up, placing a hand on her shoulder, "So, what do you think?" He asked, gesturing to the village.

"Hey, look! It's Y/n!" A man shouted when he saw Stoick with the girl and her Night Fury. People stopped what they were doing when they heard him.

They all began to run towards the chief and the girl.

"It's Y/n!" A woman shouted as she made her way to her, the Vikings greeted her excitedly.

"Turns out all we needed was a little more Hiccup, and you." Y/n couldn't believe her own ears, "Y-You're joking, right?" Stoick shook his head, making the girl smile.

"Night Fury!" A man warned and before she knew it, Y/n were knocked down, "Y/n! I'm so happy you're okay." Hiccup shouted, hugging the girl tightly while Toothless licked her.

"Okay! Okay! I missed you, too! Both of you." Y/n told them, pushing Toothless' face away, Hiccup let go of her and stood up, reaching his hand out for hers.

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