D-RoB Chapter 15. Are We Family? Part 2.

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Y/n - Speak.
Hiccup - Speak.

~No one's P.O.V~

"Where are they, Alvin?" Hiccup asked the man as Savage pushed him into the dungeon filled with other dragons, held against their will in cages, "Where's Y/n. And Toothless and Shadow?"

"You'll see him soon enough." The Outcast answered in his normal rough voice, "Don't you worry."

"You know, I have to admit, luring us to  the Isle of Night, building a fake Night Fury. Not bad." Hiccup spoke, making Alvin chuckle.

"Not bad? Says the one-legged boy in chains."

"But turning Mildew into an Outcast? Using him against us? Come on, Alvin. That's low-hanging fruit... Even for you." Hiccup spoke, confident in his word choice.

His words made Savage let out laugher, that is, before Alvin hit him in the head, almost knocking him out, "No one thinks you're funny, boy. Now, keep movin'!" Savage growled, pushing him forward to avoid another punch.

They stopped by at a cage with A Whispering Death inside. It was chained to the group while two guards held their spears at it.

It roared before it burrowed itself under the ground. It came beach up further away from the guards.

"You know it's gonna keep doing that, right? It it a Whispering Death." Hiccup commented as he watched the dragon before he walked by the next cage.

He looked in to see a Scauldron drinking water out of a trough. Feeling eyes on it, it turned to look at Hiccup, its mouth filled with water.

They stared at each other, Hiccup slowly grew wider as he waited for the right timing as Y/n had told him to do if he ever encountered a Scauldron.

He dodged the blast of boiling water just as it shot it, the water hit one of Alvin's guards, blasting him back.

"A Scauldron... Impressive. You might wanna cut back its water." He advised. Not wanting anyone to die.

"Oi, write that down." Alvin told Savage, he pulled out a small book from his belt and began to write.

Hiccup stopped in his tracks to not being trampled down by the Outcast guards, who ran to a seemingly empty cage.

"It escaped again!" One of the guards shouted, looking into the cage.

"Actually, no. It's right behind you. Changewing." The Changewing revealed itself on the wall of the cage, firing acid at the guards. They, along with Hiccup, Alvin, and Savage, dodged.

"Whoo! Wow! You guys really don't have a handle on these dragons, do you?" Hiccup asked as he stood up straight again.

"Well, that's why you're here." Alvin stated as he grabbed Hiccup by the shoulders, guiding him to another cage, "Welcome to your new job, Hiccup."

"A job? Me? As inviting as that sounds, I'm gonna have to pass." Hiccup shook his head as Alvin guided him to the last cage.

"Hiccup, Hiccup, Hiccup... Why do you have to make things so difficult?"

"Really not the first time I've been asked that question." Upon arriving to the cage, Hiccup's eyes went wide, "Guys!"

Toothless, Shadow, and Y/n were all chained up in the large cage, none of their feet even touching the ground.

Shadow and Toothless both had muzzles on while Y/n was blindfolded, her wrists chained so her arms spread opened while chains also held around each of her ankles, spreading them too.

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