Chapter 11. Betrayal.

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~No one's P.O.V~

Y/n were lost for words, she stood disgusted by the door of the arena while hearing the Vikings cheering her on to kill the dragon she weren't up against yet.

She couldn't believe this were the best idea she came up with. To make the Vikings see dragons from her point of view.

However, every time she looked out at the Vikings, she had a feeling that something would go wrong.

She stood in her own world, completely unaware of people walking and talking around her. She weren't sure if she wanted to do this anymore.

Should she back out?
Leave Berk?
Leave all the dragons in the need of help?
And what about Hiccup?
What would happen to him?

"Today, she becomes a Viking!" She heard from the chief, "Today she becomes one of us!" His speak made the people cheer.

Y/n, however clenched her fists, "Never." She muttered, "I'm never gonna be like you." She growled. The door to the arena opened.

"Be careful with that dragon." Astrid told her from behind, she looked back in slight shock to see Hiccup and Astrid behind her.

"It's not the dragon I'm worried about." She spoke, looking at Hiccup's dad, the chief, Stoick the Vast. So much could go wrong. So deadly wrong.

"What are you going to do?" Hiccup asked, worry in his voice.

Y/n didn't look at them, but at the cage doors containing a dragon, "Put an end to this. I've wanted to do that in so long. I have to try."

She turned to the two Vikings, "Hiccup, if something goes wrong, just make sure they don't find my family."

"I will." Hiccup had his helmet in his hands, but placed it on Y/n's head, "Just promise me it won't go wrong." Y/n smiled, and readjusted the helmet, so it didn't cover her eyes.

Normally she would feel disgusted, wearing a Viking helmet, but this one were special to Hiccup, so just for once, she would let it go.

Before she could respond to Hiccup, Gobber walked in, "It's time, Y/n. Knock 'em dead." Hiccup and Astrid gave Y/n worried looks as she made her way into the arena and Gobber went out, closing the door behind him.

The crowd chanted her name as she walked and all cheered when she came in sight.


"Show 'em how it's done!" She heard the similar voices of Tuffnut and Snotlout.

"Y/n! Y/n! Y/n! Y/n!" People chanted as she made her way to the weapon board. She had her own sword, but she weren't planing on fighting so she wouldn't use it.

Stoick carefully watched her while Gobber made his way to the chief, watching along with him as the girl simply took a small knife and a blue shield.

"Hmm, is have gone for the hammer." Stoick told Gobber as he watched the girl in the arena.

Y/n turned to the gates, holding the dragon back, she took a deep breath and exhaled before speaking.

"I'm ready."

Four Viking began to open the doors by pulling in a rope, lifting the giant lock off of the door. No one dared to make a sound.

The second the lock were removed, the dragon bursted the doors open, setting them aflame. Roaring at the Vikings as he were in fire.

It crawled all over the place, trying to find a way out, shooting its hot fire at the watching Vikings once or twice when it couldn't find a way out.

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