Chapter 6. Tail fin and dragon training.

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~No one's P.O.V~

While Y/n took back to the cove to feed the hungry dragons, Hiccup went to the Blacksmith stall.

He pulled out a big blank paper and began working on the new invention. Saddles. He used most of the night measuring, smelting, sew, and assemble two saddles and another tail fin.

"Yeah, that looks good." He lifted them up.

~No one's P.O.V~

"What do you think?" Hiccup asked the girl beside him, showing her the saddles, "Not bad. Let's try them."

As Shadow were sleeping Y/n lifted one of the saddles up for Toothless to see.

Y/n walks closer and Toothless, and he growls sweetly, knowing how much fun he's gonna get, he smiles as he ran off. "Hey!" Y/n yelled and ran after him. Hiccup laughed and watched them with amusement.

After a lot of running Y/n stopped, catching her breath. Toothless saw that and decided he have had enough fun. He goes over and nudge the saddle with his snout. Smiling at the girl in front of him, she smiles back, thankful that she gets to put the saddle on.

While that happened, Shadow woke up and sniffed the saddle Hiccup held, he smiled and with carefulness Shadow let him put the saddle and tail fin on her.

Toothless and Y/n smiled at them.

~No one's P.O.V~

The two misfits tried to fly while Y/n pulled a string that was connected to the fake tail. They were just above the water of the cove, and everything seemed fine at first, but when Hiccup pulled his string a little to hard, they crashed. Toothless roars in annoyance before diving into Shadow causing Y/n to fall off her before they all fell into the water again.

When they got out of the water Toothless spat all the water in his mouth on Hiccup causing everyone else to laugh. Y/n fell on her back, dying of laugher.

Hiccup's heart skipped a beat when he heard her beautiful laugh and saw her big smile that showed off her fangs.

~No one's P.O.V~

Y/n stayed late with Hiccup in the Blacksmith stall, "What do you think?" He asked the e/c eyed girl in front of him as he hooked her onto Shadow's saddle by a string, which was connected to her belt and a new hook on the saddle Hiccup had made only moments before.

Y/n pulled at the string, looking at it thoughtfully, "Hmm. Can you make one in the other side, too?" She kindly asked, making Hiccup's heart flutter.

"O-Of course!" He nervously rubbed the back of his neck before upgrading the saddle and Y/n's belt to another hook.

When he was done Y/n confidently nodded her head giving him a thumb up, "This should work."

She quickly hugged Hiccup before running out of the Blacksmith, "See you tomorrow, Hiccup!" She waved and Hiccup could only muster to lift his hand a little. A stupid smile on his face.

~No one's P.O.V~

The next day Hiccup were trying to fly Toothless with the new upgrade while Y/n and Shadow looked.

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