Chapter 8. Never an option.

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~No one's P.O.V~

A ship arrived at the docks of Berk. It was wrecked. But luckily not enough for the ship to sink.

The sail was torn and there was a huge hole on the side of the boat, almost reaching the water.

A Viking helped the others off the ship, Stoick the Vast, the chief himself being one of the first to get off of the ship with the help of the Viking.

He walked up the docks with his bag under his arm, meeting his best. friend Gobber there.

"Eh, I trust you found the nest, at least?" Gobber asked, seeing the ship's condition lowered his hopes.

"Not even close." Stoick coldly responded to his friend as he walked pass him, he was tired of his attempt on finding the best kept going wrong.

"Oh. Excellent." He said in a disappointed tone and followed the chief, "I hope you had a little more success that me." Stoick told him, hoping everything with Hiccup went at least.... around his expectations.

"Well, if by success, you mean your parenting troubles are over, yes." Gobber responded to the man and took his bag under his own arm. Stoick got a worried look in his eyes as his friend told him that.

"Congratulations, Stoick!" A brown haired woman said as she and some other Vikings arrived to help with the ship, "Everyone is SO relieved!"

"Out with the old and in with the new, right?" Another Viking added.

"No one will miss that nuisance!" Another man shouted happily as he ran by the chief.

"We're throwing a party to celebrate!"

"He's gone?" Stoick turned to Gobber when the Vikings had passed them. Worry laced his voice at the thought of losing his only son.

"Um, yeah." Gobber began as he also began walking again. Stoick followed behind, confused as to why Gobber were so calm.

"Most afternoons, but who can blame him? I mean, the life of a celebrity is very rough." He explained, catching Stoick's attention, "He can barely walk through the village without being swarmed by his new fans."

Stoick grabbed onto Gobber's shoulder, stopping him in his tracks, "Hiccup?" He asked, not sure if they talked about the same boy.

Gobber smiled at the man, "Who would have thought it, eh? He has his way with the beasts." They began to walk again, and Gobber chuckled, "And don't get me started with Y/n."

The chief furry his brows, "Y/n?" He questioned, "She's a new comer and she took everyone by storm." He said, thinking of what the girl had done with the dragons in dragon training.

"I've never seen anyone dealing with dragons the way she does." To say Gobber was impressed by the girl were an understatement, "She, she does really have her ways with the beasts." Gobber smiled.

A thought make Gobber laugh, he looked at his best friend, "I think you have to teach him some manners. He's love struck."

~No one's P.O.V~

"You sure you wanna try it this high up?" Y/n asked Hiccup from the back of Shadow, they flew high over the sea. She were worried about herself, but this were Hiccup's first time to fly.

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