D-RoB Chapter 11. Nasty Landing.

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Y/n - Speak.
Hiccup - Speak.

~No one's P.O.V~

The thunder roared in the sky over the sea, dark clouds blocking sight.

The life of a Viking can be difficult, harsh, and stormy. Nobody could make it through alone.

Hiccup lifted his arm in front of his eyes, blocking the strong wind.

Eventually you're going to have to rely on someone. Unfortunately we do not always get to pick that someone.

"This is so lame! Why are we even out here?!" Snotlout shouted from his Monstrous Nightmare, Hookfang.

"Because this is our first search and rescue mission!" Hiccup shouted over the loud wind.

"I see a lot of searching but not much rescuing! Do any of you even know where we are?!" Snotlout complained.

"I know exactly where we are, Snotlout! Hiccup's dad said the fishing boat was last seen heading South! So we are going South!" Y/n shouted, pointing down in the water.

Snotlout looked down for a few seconds before looking back at the girl, "You don't know what you're talking about!" He crossed his arms.

"I know exactly what I'm talking about, Snotlout." Y/n shook her head, irritated.

"Snotlout, I think Y/n is right, she's been flying a lot more than any of us." Fishlegs told the boy, flying up beside him.

"There's nothing down there!" He denied, "I say we go North!"

"And if Y/n or Hiccup said to go North?" Astrid asked from beside Y/n.

"Are you trying to mess with my mind?! 'Cause nothing gets in here, nothing!" Snotlout shouted, pointing at his head.

"What does the map say, Fishlegs?!" Astrid shouted over to the blonde boy.

"It's kind of tough to read from this angle." Fishlegs said in a apolitical tone, trying to get the map under control.

Y/n didn't see why they needed it, she knew where they were even with the thick clouds around them.

"You know what, Y/n?" Snotlout started, getting the girl's attention, "I'm done listening to you! I said North, and North is where I'm going!" Hookfang growled, disagreeing with him, "Hey! You work for me!" Hookfang hit his rider with his horns before wildly turning to fly the other way.

"Are we just going to let him go?" Ruffnut asked, looking at Snotlout, who flew the opposite way, "Wirks with me." Tuffnut shrugged.

"Ahem!" Y/n looked at Astrid, who 'coughed'. Y/n groaned, "Ugh. I'm going, I'm going!" She looked at the duo, Hiccup and Astrid, "Lead the others back. We'll get him. Come on Shadow." Y/n told them before turning to fly North.

Flying after the stubborn Viking, the clouds quickly got darker and darker, "Wow!" Y/n eyes got wide, "Look at the size of that waterspout." She saw Snotlout fly towards it and speed up, trying to get up beside him, "Snotlout! That waterspout is way too dangerous!"

"That's why I'm flying around it! Duh!" Snotlout responded, flying close to it, but around it.

"You're cutting in way too close! Look out!" Y/n shouted, but it was to late, it had already picked onto Hookfang's wings, pulling both males in.

"Of course you had to be stubborn." Y/n groaned before flying towards the waterspout, Hookfang got tossed out while Snotlout accidentally let go of him.

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