Chapter 13. The Nest.

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~No one's P.O.V~

The sound of men shouting echoed over the empty ocean.

The ship in front of the other carried a dragon, trying to break out of its thick chains.

The leading ship lead the rest of the fleet into the unknown territory hidden behind a thick fog. So thick,in fact, that the Vikings barely can see their own hands.

"Sound your positions." The chief commanded when he saw some of the Vikings looking over the railing of the ship, trying to get a look at where they were going, "Stay within earshot." The chief told them as they ruffled to their spots.

Gobber, began to speak to the chief, "Listen, Stoick, I was overhearing some of the men just now, and, well, you know, some of them are wondering what it is we're up to here." He said as Stoick looked forward.

"Not me, of course." He saved himself, "I know you're always the man with the plan. But some, not me, are wondering if there is, in fact, a plan at all and what it might be." He stuttered to his best friend.

"Find the Nest and take it." Stoick coldly responded, but Gobber didn't think much of his cold tone, "Oh, of course. Send them running." Gobber said as Stoick turned to face the blue eyed dragon, who looked at the ground.

"The old Viking fall back. Nice and simple." Shadow's ears moved as she could hear the dragons flying around them in the fog, she let out a low gurgle, "Shh, shh!" Stoick gestured for Gobber to stop talking and her did.

Seeing the Night Fury's eyes being freaked out along with her ears flicking up and to the sides, Stoick pushed himself by the other Vikings on the ship and to the back as the others watched his every move.

"Step aside." He told the Viking, who were sailing the ship and took his position instead.

Not a second later, Shadow's head shot up, the chains pulling it a little down, she turned her head to the right and Stoick changed the direction of the ship in that direction.

She then turned her head in the other direction, her pupils turning to even thinner slots than they already were.

"Oh," Gobber started with a slight chuckle when they sailed by a old ship from one of their previous tries to get to the Nest, "I was wondering  where that went."

Shadow's chains rattled as she sniffed the air and listened to her surroundings. Her movements once again caused the chief to change direction.

When Shadow started to freak out, her chains rattling even more as she tried to shake herself out of her capturing, the Viking closest to her fell to the ground out of shock and fear.

"Stay low and ready your weapons." Stoick ordered as he watched the dragon panic. Only a moment after, the ship hit land.

Shadow growled and let out small roars in frustration when she couldn't break out, she tried scratching instead.

Stoick moved to the front of the ship with Gobber following behind, the weird sound of animals constantly came from the unknown island, but when Stoick caught sight of a Monstrous Nightmare's tail, he knew, "We're here."

The tail disappeared from the mountain on the island. Stoick grunted as he jumped over the side of the ship and onto the ground, as soon as he hit the ground, the animal noises stop, making the Viking look around.

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