D-RoB Chapter 5. Picking his dragon.

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Author's Note: I'm taking two days off, so there will most likely not be updated before Christmas with the Snoggle tog Special.

I hope no one will be mad about it since I update pretty often and just need a little pause.

Y/n. - Speak.
Hiccup - Speak.

~No one's P.O.V~

Here on Berk, we've always done things one way. The Viking way.

The men slowly pulled in a ship to the docks, its sail destroyed along with a piece of its side.

Since the dragons came, their Viking way has become, well, the hard way.

Stoick jumped off of the ship and onto the dock, he grabbed onto the ropes and helped pulling it in.

Unfortunately, some people - Like my father - Still refuse to change.

Shadow and Toothless flew over Berk, spotting the ship, Hiccup flew in that direction. Y/n followed.

Toothless and Shadow soon landed side by side and their riders got off of them.

"That's the seventh boat this week he destroyed." Gobber told the two when he saw them land.

"Well, we lost another whole catch. We could've saved it if we got there sooner." Stoick said, gesturing to the destroyed ship.

"Well, I know how you could've gotten there sooner." Hiccup said, gesturing to Y/n, who played with Shadow and Toothless.

"Here we go again." Stoick sighed.

"If you'd flown on a dragon you could have been there in five minutes instead of two hours." Hiccup told his father.

"You might even have been able to chase that wild dragon away." Y/n said while Toothless purred at her touch, Shadow nudged her other hand, wanting to get petted, too.

"As the Chief of Berk, I do things the Viking way, not the dragon way."

"Well, the 'Viking way'," Hiccup said, walking over to his father, "Is causing us a lot of fish and almost as many boats."

"The boy got a point. If you were on a dragon, you could protect this island from a lot of things, even Alvin." Gobber spoke his mind.

"Right! You could use a dragon to-"

"You're right, Gobber. Alvin knows that we have dragons, he'll be back." Stoick cut Hiccup off, agreeing with Gobber.

"You saw what those dragons did." Gobber looked back at the two Night Furies and the girl with (h/c) hair, "They had Alvin on the run."

The one handed Viking turned back to the chief, "Imagine if you were the one commanding them."

"Commanding?" Y/n frowned and tilted her head to the side, she didn't like that word.

What kind of human would think you command a dragon?

"I'm listening." Stoick said, wanting Gobber to keep talking.

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