D-RoB Chapter 8. Trust or Nah, Part 2.

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Y/n - Speak.
Hiccup - Speak.

~No one's P.O.V~

Snotlout pulled back a small catapult, firing it at Fishlegs and Meatlug, the dragon opened her mouth just in time to swallow it, "Hey, that was a little close, Snotlout!"

"Quit whining, Fishlegs!"

The said male glared down at the Viking, making Meatlug fire a blast from the rock she just ate, "Hey! Cut it out!" Snotlout shouted up to Fishlegs, avoiding the lava blast.

"Quit whining, Snotlout!"

For the last two days, everyone had been on the edge of breaking down. So close to the end, just wanting to give in and let Alvin keep the Book of Dragons, but they knew they couldn't let that happen.

"Nice job, guys. But remember, the Outcasts are not gonna come one at a time." Hiccup told them as he stood by Toothless.

"You don't need to remind me, we're under enough stress."

Since Y/n returned, she only had three words out loud, "Alvin got it." Before walking past them, refusing to give them the slightest idea about where Heather was.

"Remember, we're only gonna have one shot at getting the Book of Dragons back." Hiccup said as he got on Toothless' back.

"Um, did I not make myself clear about stress?" Fishlegs grumble, flying over to the side to land.

As said, everybody was on the edge.

Even the dragons.

Barf breathed out a large amount of gas before Belch ignited it, causing an explosion to find place, Snotlout rolled out of the way just in time and the fire lighted Hookfang up.

"Too early, Snotlout. We have to time it perfectly!"

"It wasn't me, it was them!" Snotlout pointed at the Twins sending the accusation on.

"Uh, sorry."

"Yeah, still working on the kinks."

"Can you calm him down?!" Astrid gestured to Hookfang, who crashed around, his body fired up.

He was agitated, because of the humans he was training with, he had barely seen Y/n for the past days.

"Fine, whatever." Snotlout growled, before running towards the roaring dragon, quickly pinning his horns to the ground, "Figured that one out yesterday. He likes it!" Snotlout told them as Hookfang purred.

"Wait, wait, wait. He likes having his horns bent to the ground?" Fishlegs questioned while getting off of Meatlug.

"Tuffnut does."

"I do?" Tuffnut asked before he knew it, pinned to the ground by the horns of his helmet, his sister holding him down, "Oh, yeah... That does feel kinda nice. The dirt's soft."

"Can we get on with it? A whole army could be coming at us." Astrid snapped.

"Well? We're waiting!" Snotlout responded, already on Hookfang. Stormfly flew up, "Hit it!" Snotlout shouted as Hookfang let a large amount of fire burn the ground.

"Spines, Stormfly!" The dragon fired her sharp spines from her tail, flying through the fire, they began burning.

"Eh, I kinda like that too." Tuffnut commented as one of the spines hit the middle of his helmet, "Make a note."

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