D-RoB Chapter 4. The Dragon Conqueror.

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Y/n - Speak.
Hiccup - Speak.

~No one's P.O.V~

There's an old Viking saying;

Toothless broke up two fighting dragons in Dragon Island.

When your friend are roasting on a spear, you're the one feeling the fire.

He then ran to a tilted rock where Shadow were laying along with her saddle, Toothless sniffed to it and nudged it a little, missing the girl. He nuzzled into his sister before jumping on top of the rock.

Mildew has made the entire village believe that dragons are too wild. That we all can't live together in peace.

He looked over the ocean as he sat on the edge, trying to catch sight of a ship sailing their way.

At Berk, Y/n sat on the edge of a ledge with a stick in her hand, looking over the ocean, in the direction of Dragon Island and her family.

He's wrong. And I'm going to prove it.

She had yet to enter the village of Berk. When Stoick didn't know she was here, it was best to stay away and let the rest do the work, then they could inform her about what happened around the place.

She hated being away from them. They were always together and nothing should ever break them apart. It hasn't been that long and yet, Y/n missed her siblings big puppy eyes and their soft, warm scale.

Letting out a sight, Y/n kept looking over the ocean, reaching out towards the island her siblings was stranded on.

"Please, hold on. I'm coming for you."

Little did the female know, Shadow and Toothless stood by each other, letting out roars over the ocean, hoping for the girl to hear it and know they were there for her. Like they always were. Like they always would be.

~No one's P.O.V~

"Alvin! They're coming back!" A man shouted when he saw a new group of dragons head towards the island.

Dragons flew over the island, spitting their fires at whatever they could.

Alvin the Treacherous stared furiously at his useless warriors, trying to right a fallen catapult.

"Outta my way!" He screamed as he pulled one of his men away from it before punching the other a few meters away, making the rest back off.

"You can't find a good warrior anywhere these days!" He screamed in his rough voice while he grabbed onto the catapult.

He grunted as he struggled to get the catapult on its iron wheels, but he eventually succeeded.

Not waiting a second, he pulled the trigger back before putting a boulder in its holder, a green Monstrous Nightmare came flying towards the Chief of the Outcasts.

He pulled the catapult a little to change its aim before kicking the lever with his foot, pushing it down.

The boulder flew, hitting the Monstrous Nightmare head on, making it crash down with a shriek in pain and fear.

"Alvin, there's too many of them!" Savage, Alvin's lieutenant shouted to the man, "We need to get inside!!" He shouted before running in, not wanting this day to be his very last.

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