D-RoB Chapter 3. Night Problems.

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Author's Note: A lot of people have messaged me about the storyline. Right now, the plan is to get Dragons: Riders of Berk, but I'm honestly not sure about HTTYD 2 will be next or RTTE. So dear readers, make yet another decision for me.

Also, I will NOT be doing every single episode of any of the series because I tried to do it before and I got stuck and I don't want that for this book!

Write right here what you want!

And if you don't feel comfortable about commenting, you can always message me! That still counts!

Now, go on and enjoy the chapter!

Y/n - Speak.
Hiccup - Speak.

~No one's P.O.V~

As you fly through life it's always good to know who you can trust,

Y/n were free falling through the sky with Hiccup beside her, she turned around in the air to look at the ground.

And who you can't.

Hiccup smiled when Toothless came diving down, catching him while Y/n fell further.

"Nice catch, bud." He praised the dragon.

She smiled when she could hear Shadow getting closer and soon enough she came to a stop when she caught her. "You just had to wait so long, didn't you?" Y/n said with a playful smile which Shadow returned.

I know I can always count on Toothless.

Y/n and Hiccup flew back up the rest, side by side.

And it's important for him to know, that no matter what, he can count on me.

"It's your turn. Jump."

"I don't wanna jump. What if-"

"You have to believe she's gonna catch you. It's a trust exercise." Y/n told Fishlegs with a smile.

"I like to do my trusting on the ground, thank you very much." The blonde Viking boy responded.

"Like this, Chickenlegs! Woohoo!" Snotlout shouted as he slide off of Hookfang's back. But the dragon just kept flying straight.

"So, should we mention something to Hookfang?"

"Let me sleep on it." Ruffnut answered to Tuffnut's question.

"Hookfang, get him!" Astrid shouted to the dragon from Stormfly, the big dragon looked at Shadow, who roared at him, making him look down, catching the sight of his rider getting closer and closer to the ground.

"Not feeling the trust!" Hookfang shrieked before diving after after Snotlout.

"That's gonna hurt in the morning." The h/c haired girl said as she watched the boy crashed through Mildew's roof before flying back out with a scream, making another hole in the process.

Hiccup and Y/n looked at each other with a pained look, "Something makes me think we're going to hear for this." Hiccup muttered as Snotlout joined the group.

Y/n looked down with a smirk, seeing the old man shouting after them as they flew by.

~No one's P.O.V~

"Ceiling again? Didn't we have roofing material for dinner last night?" Y/n heard Hiccup joke from her room.

She knew at that moment that his father, Stoick, had confronted him about what happened earlier that day with Mildew and Snotlout.

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