Chapter 5. Eels.

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~No one's P.O.V~

"Hey, Y/n." Hiccup greeted the girl who played with her Night Furies when he entered the cove.

"Hey, Hiccup. What's that?" She raised a brow, questioning the big bag he had on his back.

He groaned when he took it off and placed it on the ground, "Well, I brought breakfast. I hope you're hungry." He used his foot to kick it open causing Y/n to gag when she saw the slimy fish coming out, "I think I'm gonna skip."

"Yeah, that's disgusting." Hiccup shrugged. He walked over to Y/n as Shadow and Toothless sniffed the fish.

"We've got some salmon, some nice Icelandic cod," Toothless began to expect the fish, "And a whole smoked eel." Y/n's eyes got wide, Toothless saw the eel and began to snarl, backing away.

Y/n got on her knees and grabbed a hold of the eel, "Never give a dragon a eel. See." She lifted the eel up and Toothless roared, spreading his wings while Shadow hid behind him.

"No, no, no, no! Don't worry, I just wanted to show him." Toothless calmed down when she placed her hand on his head, "I don't like eels either."

Shadow moved out from behind Toothless and began eating the fish, looking for her favorites and Toothless followed her example. Y/n stood between them, patting them both as she watched them eat.

"That's it. That's it. Just stick with the good stuff. And don't you mind me. I'll just be back here, minding my own business." Hiccup moved backwards to Toothless' tail.

"You two must be hungry, you're almost done." Y/n laughed when Toothless moved his head into the basket and it got stuck.

He suddenly stopped moving and shook a little, "What's wrong, Bud?" She caressed his neck. Toothless' mouth fell agape and his wings hit the ground.

Y/n looked after Hiccup, seeing him on top of Toothless' tail, "Oh, no." Toothless slowly spread his wings, "Wait here, girl." Y/n told Shadow before jumping on Toothless' back, she chuckled, "Hold on, Hiccup!"

"Wha-" Hiccup screamed when Toothless took off, he clenched to his tail to not fall off.

"No, no, no, no!" Toothless were on his way out of the cove when he began to fall, "Hiccup!" Y/n shouted when she saw they were about to hit the ground. Hiccup grabbed the tail fin and held it open, helping Toothless in righting up just in time.

"Great job, Bud!" Y/n shouted over the wind to Toothless who happily growled in return.

"Oh, my...! It's working!" Toothless turned around and dove down, flying just over the pond in the cove, Toothless looked back on his tail, seeing Hiccup still were there, he whipped around causing Hiccup to fly in the pond.

Toothless shrieks and looks back at his tail when he couldn't fly, Y/n and Toothless landed in the pond too. Leaving Shadow to wait for them.

"Yeah!" Hiccup screamed when got his head above the water while Y/n and Toothless looked at each other like he was stupid.

~No one's P.O.V~

"Today is about teamwork." The cage doors flew open as the arena was filled with smoke.

"Now, a wet dragon head can't light its fire. The Hideous Zippleback is extra tricky. One head breaths gas, the other head lights it." Gobber explains to his students, who all had buckets filled with water.

The smoke filled the arena completely, everyone parted up in groups, Astrid and Ruffnut, Snotlout and Tuffnut, Fishlegs and Hiccup, and alone, Y/n.

"Your job is to know which is which." Gobber finished his teaching.

"Razor-sharp serrated teeth that inject venom for pre-digestion. Prefers ambush attacks, crushing its victims.." Fishlegs continued speaking outloud, making Hiccup nervous. "Will you please stop that?!" Hiccup whisper shouted and Fishlegs spilt some of the water in his bucket.

They all could hear the dragon gurgling in the smoke.

"If that dragon shows either of his faces, I'm gonna.." Snotlout saw a shadow in the smoke. "There!" He yelled, him and Tuffnut threw water at the shadow, who was Ruffnut and Astrid.

"Hey, its us, idiots!" Ruffnut exclaimed.
"Your butts are getting bigger. We thought you were a dragon." Tuffnut defended.

"Not that there's anything wrong with a dragonesque figure-" Snotlout tried to flirt, but was hit in the head by Astrid. "-Ow" Tuffnut was pulled into the smoke and they all heard him scream.

Ruffnut and Astrid was felled by a dragon tail, seconds later Tuffnut runs out of the smoke screaming and shouting. "Oh, I'm hurt! I am very much hurt!" He shouts running around the arena.

Y/n looks around in the smoke, but can't even see a shadow of a dragon.

"Chances of survival are dividing to single digits now." Fishlegs observes.

A dragon head then snakes out of the smoke while gurgling, Fishlegs screams when the head sniffs him.

"Whoa, whoa!" He yelled as the one head tried to corner him. Fishlegs threw his water on its head, but. "Oh. Heh! Wrong head." The Zippleback shoots its gas at Fishlegs and he runs.


The head then turn to Hiccup, while the other head finally shows itself.
Y/n could finally see something through the smoke and was fast to yell. "Now, Hiccup!"

She didn't want Hiccup to hurt the dragon, but it doesn't hurt it to throw water on it.

Hiccup threw the water, but not height enough to reach the dragon.
"Oh, come on." Hiccup stood with the bucket above his head as Y/n slowly moved to him. The Zippleback roars at Hiccup, making him fall backwards.

"Hiccup!" Gobber yells, just like the days before Gobber was about to save Hiccup, but Y/n got there first.
She stood in front of Hiccup, her arms spread out. "Get up!" She whisper shouted. And Hiccup slowly got up and stood behind her.

The two dragon heads looked curiously at the girl in front of them, she didn't seem threatening to them. They looked into the eyes of this human, and saw the soul of a dragon, someday, she would safe them from all of this, they knew that at once.

So, they obeyed to what she said.
"Back, back, back!" Y/n moved forward and the Zippleback moved backwards, into its cage.

The other students along with Gobber, looked at Y/n in shock.
"Now, don't you make me tell you again! Yes, that's right!" The girl talked loudly, but not in a threatening way. She didn't want them to be locked up in a cage, but for now, that's how it had to be.

"Back into your cage. Now think about what you've done." Y/n said with a little frown on her face, she knew this was self defense for the dragon's side, but still, she somehow felt disappointed in them.

Y/n closed the cage and turned to the others. They all stood with shocked faces and no one moved a muscle. With out anyone's knowing, a old lady named Gothi watched the event, very impressed by the girl from unknown.

Y/n cleared her throat, "Okay, so are we done?" She nudged Hiccup, "'Cause we got some things we need to.." She trailed off, Hiccup grabbed her wrist, "Yep, we'll see you tomorrow!" He dragged Y/n out with him as they left quickly, avoiding any questions.

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