Chapter 9. "Leaving!"

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~No one's P.O.V~

Cheering were heard everywhere around the teens when the Vikings of Berk were standing outside of the arena, watching Y/n, Hiccup, and Astrid.

The Gronckle flew around, trying to find the next target as it had already got everyone else out.

It was the day, the last day of the Dragon Training, the day the elder choose who were to kill a Monstrous Nightmare in front of the entire village.

Ever since Hiccup met Y/n, Toothless, and Shadow, he dreaded this day. The day either he or someone else were going to kill a dragon. He were so scared that Y/n would turn away from him.

Hiccup were hiding behind one of the small barriers that were sat up that day, his shield and axe in hand while his new helmet on his head.

Soon Astrid made it to the same barrier as him, she death glared at him while he returned it with a weak smile. Astrid pulled Hiccup's shield down and threatened him with her axe, "Stay out of my way!" She hissed at him, her grip on her axe getting tighter, "I'm winning this thing." She growled at him before leaving to another barrier.

"Pl-ease, by all means." Hiccup stuttered, standing up. He turned around to meet his father watching him, his hand moved to his helmet and he readjusted it so it didn't cover his eyes.

Y/n stood another barrier with nothing besides a shield in her hands, she watched as the dragon flew around for its target, almost ignoring her completely.

When she heard the dragon growl, she turned around. When she saw the dragon heading for Hiccup who stood with his back to it, she took action.

Astrid moved from barrier to barrier so the Gronckle won't see her coming.

"This time." She muttered with her back pressed against the barrier and her axe tight in her grab, "This time for sure!" The blonde Viking girl took a breath breath before letting out her battle cry with her double-bladed axe high in the air as she jumped over the barriers.

When Hiccup heard her from behind him, he turned around, shocked to see the Gronckle with its tongue out and its leg in the air. Sound asleep.

Astrid were frozen in her tracks and her eyes were wide. She had been so focused on the used to be useless Viking to even think about the real threat. Y/n.

Astrid's blood boiled with rage when she saw the girl casually leaning against the wall with her shield on the ground because she didn't need it.

The villagers cheered and Hiccup and Astrid still stood there in shock. One being because of the rage of losing her kill and the other in curiosity to how she took down the dragon this time.

Y/n let out a yawn, she hadn't got much sleep last night. She used most of the night stargazing before sneaking Hiccup into his house and room. Afterward she took Shadow and Toothless out for a ride.

Y/n were pulled out of her half-sleeping state when she heard Astrid's shouting and screaming in frustration and anger, "No! No, son of a half-troll, rat eating, munge-bucket!" Astrid shouted as she aggressively swung her axe around in anger.

The sound of Gothi hitting her staff in the ground were heard and the chief made the cheering crowd quiet down.

"So, later." Hiccup tried to escape but were grabbed by Gobber's hook and lifted into the air by the collar of his shirt, "Oh! Not so fast."

Meanwhile, Y/n just waited for the announcement coming from Stoick, the chief.

"I-I-I'm kinda late for..." Astrid turned the boy around with her axe and held it threatening against his throat, "WHAT?!" The very angry Viking girl screamed at him, "Late for what, exactly?" The life snapped at him.

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