D-RoB Chapter 12. Fears.

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Y/n - Speak.
Hiccup - Speak.

~No one's P.O.V~

In the night of Berk, everything seemed to be peaceful.

From every single dragon to the smallest human on the island.

And yet, a black dragon pushed the door open to another room of the Haddock house, seeking help from a sibling.

Carefully, the dragon made its way to its sleeping brother, nudging the head of the black being, Toothless sleepily opened his green eyes.

Shadow purred in worry, Toothless knocked the sleep off of him, standing up to nuzzle into his sibling, they both purred before Shadow went to the door, looking back, gesturing for Toothless to follow with her head.

Toothless took a quick look at the sleeping Hiccup before following his sister out of the room and into another.

Toothless green eyes filled with worry as soon as he went into Y/n's bedroom.

There she was, tossing from side to side on the rock Shadow usually sleep on with her, the cover Hiccup had placed on her sleeping figure thrown across the room as she tried to clench to the rock.

Sweat covered her forehead and neck, her eyes closed tightly along with her teeth clenched, panting.

Toothless purred, walking up to the girl. Probably having another nightmare, like the other few days.

Nudging her, the girl's eyes sparred open, sitting up, almost head-butting Toothless.

She looked around, sighing in relief when she saw where she were and who she was with.

The Night Furies purred, leaning into the girl, nuzzling against her, "I-I'm okay." She reassured them, hugging them both.

"Just another nightmare." She sighed, pulling her sword out of the sheath on her back.

Everybody has lost something they thought they couldn't live without.

"I thought I lost it." She sighed, mirroring herself in the sharp, black blade of her sword, "Thank the dragons I didn't."

Not wanting to go back to bed, she waited to the morning came.

Unaware of flock of dragons surrounding the house, staying up with her.

~No one's P.O.V~

Thornado let out a roar as he flew just above the water of the sea. The mighty beast carried the weight of Stoick the Vast, his Rider, along with Gobber the Belch.

Sometimes to find it again, you have to be willing to do anything.

Stoick's eyes scanned over the dark waters, looking for the missing trader.

Even look fear right in the eye.

Y/n and Hiccup followed behind the Chief's dragon, accompanying the men without knowing what they were looking for.

Just make sure you don't blink.

"Where is he? He's been late before, but never this late." Stoick said, glancing back at Gobber.

"Are you sure Trader Johann even has it?" Gobber questioned the man.

"I'm sure!" Stoick responded, "I heard it from Jorgenson, who heard it from Stevenson the Shepherd, who talked to Toldstad the Fisherman, who said he saw Johann put it on his boat himself." He explained while Gobber adjusted his long beard.

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