D-RoB Chapter 6. Sickness.

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Y/n - Speak.
Hiccup - Speak.

~No one's P.O.V~

Berk is a small island in the middle of nowhere.

Hiccup just finished drawing Toothless wing and went to dip his feather-pencil in the ink on his table as Toothless continued to sleep soundly.

He tried to draw, but nothing appeared on the paper, he hummed before placing the feather on the table and picked up the bottle, seeing it as empty, he sighed and placed it along with his drawing back on the table.

So, when we get a taste of something new, we tend to go a little overboard.

A ship slowly made its way into the dock of Berk as Viking already stood ready for its arrival.

Unfortunately, 'new' isn't always good.

"I still don't get it." Y/n started as Hiccup, Astrid and her made their way down to the ship, "A weird man come to your island to give you things aaaand, then he leaves?"

"He's a trader, he do-"

"A traitor?! Why do you let him on your island?!" Y/n cut the blonde girl off.

"Not a traitor, trader. It's a person that you trade things with, give something and you get another thing." Hiccup explained.

"Trader Johann have been Berk's trader for many years now." Astrid told the girl.

Y/n frowned as they reached the ship with lots of Vikings on it already, "How do you know you can trust him?" She crossed her arms.

"He's a friend of my dad, we can all trust him." Hiccup told her, giving her a reassuring smile before they along with Shadow and Toothless got on the ship while Stormfly waited beside Stoick's dragon.

They walked on it, seeing the other members of the academy already had bought something, Snotlout looked at a mirror while Astrid made her way to the weapons, pulling Y/n with her.

Hiccup frowned when Y/n got forced to leave his side and glared at Astrid when she sent a cocky smirk his way.

Y/n half listened as Astrid talked about what weapon would be best for her to get, but she didn't really care.

"I'm sorry, lass, but I can't trade with that." Y/n heard the unfamiliar voice of Trader Johann. She turned her head to see a girl standing with to baskets filled to the top with fish and a two small books in her arms.

The girl stood there with a sad look on her face. That's when Y/n recognized her.

"But a mace wouldn't be anything for you so I would go with the s- Y/n?" Astrid cut herself off when she realized the girl no longer stood beside her.

She then spotted Y/n walking towards the girl and Trader Johann huffed.

"But, I don't have anything else." The brown haired girl told the man, holding the books in her arms close to her.

"I'm sorry, but rope? It's a big loose from my side." Johann excused, handing back her rope and took the books out of her arms.

She looked down to hide the tears the made her way to her eyes. She closed them in hopes of keeping them in.

"Wow, so much for some books and fish?" Her eyes flew open and she looked up to see Y/n standing beside her with Shadow, rubbing the back of her neck.

It suddenly got hard for her to breath for her and she could do nothing but stare at the girl, "Uuuh..." Y/n started, trying to find some words, "Why do you need so many fish?"

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