Chapter 3. Unholy offsprings.

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~No one's P.O.V~

"Where did Astrid go wrong in the ring today?"

"I mistimed my somersault dive. It was sloppy. It threw me off my reserve tumble." Astrid said, taking a sip of her cup.

"Yeah, we noticed."

"No, no, you were great. That was so 'Astrid'." Snotlout complimented her.

"She's right. You have to be tough on yourselves." Gobber told the teens. Hiccup grabbed a plate and cup. He sat on the table beside the other teens.

"Where did Hiccup go wrong?" Hiccup groaned when he heard Gobber ask that.

"Uh, he showed up."

"He didn't get eaten."

"He's never where he should be."

"Thank you, Astrid. You need to live and breath this stuff." Gobber shoved cups and plates on off the table and threw a book there instead, "The dragon manual."

"Everything we know about every dragon we know of." Gobber heard the thunder rumble outside, but none of the sounds of a dragon, "Ah. No attacks tonight. Study up." Gobber told the teens before leaving the Great Hall.

The teens began complaining.
"Wait, you mean read?"
"While we're still alive?" The twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, complained as if it that were the most insane thing they've ever heard.

"Why read words when you can just kill the stuff the words tell you stuff about?" Snotlout asked, hitting the table.

"I've read it like seven times. There's this water dragon that sprays boiling water at your face. And there's this other one-" Tuffnut cut Fishlegs off.

"Yeah. That sounds great." His voice were filled with sarcasm, he motioned for Fishlegs to shut up.

"There was a chance I was gonna read that.."

"But now.." the twins both trailed off.

"You guys read. I'll go kill stuff." Snotlout went to leave, Tuffnut, Ruffnut, and Fishlegs followed him.

"So I guess we'll share?" Hiccup asked Astrid, but she pushed it towards Hiccup, turning to leave, "Read it."

"Uh, all mine, then. Wow. So, okay, I'll see you..." The door of the Great Hall slams shut causing Hiccup to sigh, "Tomorrow."

~No one's P.O.V~

Time slowly went on and soon enough everyone left the Great Hall. It turned dark and Hiccup could hear the thunder rumbling outside.

Hiccup placed a candle on the table and sat down. He opened the book, "Dragon classifications." He read out loud, "Strike class. Fear class. Mystery class." He flipped to the next page in the book.

"Thunderdrum. This reclusive dragon inhabits sea caves and dark tide pools. When startled, the Thinderdrum produces a concussive sound that can kill a man at close range. Extremely dangerous. Kill on sight."

He moved a few pages forward, "Timberjack. This gigantic creature has razor-sharp wings that can slice through full-grown trees. Extremely dangerous. Kill on sight." Hiccup gulped and moved to the next page.

"Scauldron. Sprays scalding water on its victim. Extremely dangerous. Ahh!" The thunder outside got louder, the wind causing the doors in the Great Hall to open and then slam closed again.

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