Disclaimer and Warnings

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DISCLAIMER: I, sabermoonlight1616, otaku and fanfiction author, swears upon my deceased cat's grave that Undertale, Underswap and its cannon characters DOES NOT belong to me. They belong to their respective creators. The plot, the images, the OCs (except Lux) introduced in this story and the NEW cover, however, are most definitely MINE. They cannot be used without my consent.

WARNING: This story contains Undertale, Underswap, AUs, alternate timelines, OCs, the Underground, Ruins, golden flowers, goat dad, goat mom, goat of hyperdeath, Souls, humans, monsters, ass-kicking children, cinnamon rolls, CHOCOLATES, a reckless orangehead, a mango owning guns without a license, his master chef twin watermelon, a lonely rich coconut, a mute blueberry named after a flower, a sadistic scythe wielding grape, in short The Rainbow Squad, although light blue isn't a rainbow color, curtains match the window, color coded wizardy for your convenience, Doggo, the good ol' switcheroo, a fish that grew legs, axe terrorizing, skele-bros, skele-family, love, LOVE, A What If?, somewhat inspired by Glitchtale, basically Grouptale in Swap, although some characters aren't swapped, tacos, cakes, MWEH HEH HEH, the Void, the multiverse, Golden Ending, beware the kid with red eyes, Dora has a knife, journal entries, siblings in everything but blood, True Pacifist, RESET, CONTINUE, games, puzzles, The Good Dinosaur, battle themes, Soul Traits, wizards and magic, hopes and dreams, the consequences of your actions, a talking flower, censored swearing, a sentient evil blob, occasionally breaking the fourth wall, Pacifist Route, an Asian teen who lost 50% of her sanity during Work Immersion and more.

An Underswap AU: A Tale of Seven Book 1Where stories live. Discover now