XXXiii. Like Father, Like Son

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New York City. Present day.

THE FIVE OF them got out the taxi and stepped onto the sidewalk and instantly Erica's ears were met with the loud sounds of the city, as much as it annoyed her when she was awoken by a dark horn honking at five in the morning, now that she had moved to a place that wasn't so nosy, she could honestly say she had missed being somewhere where there was a lot of people and every. street corner was teeming with life

The blonde was pulled out of her thoughts by her sister's voice "What's wrong? Isn't this the place?"

"Yes it is" Rumplestilkskin says uneasily 

Erica rocked back on her heels and studied the man's features as she crossed her arms over her arms and raised her eyebrows "Let me guess he doesn't know your coming?" When he didn't answer, she hummed "Well it's nice to have surprises"

Henry smiled up at his aunt and four out of five of them moved towards the apartment building, where apparently Rumplestilkskin son was and even though Erica knew that nothing bad could happen here since nobody had access to magic in the group, she couldn't help but feel like something terrible was going to happen and once again Erica and her sister was going to be put in the middle of it

Once again Erica was pulled of  thoughts by an eleven year boy tugging on her hand and she peered down at the boy only to see him staring up at her curiously "What do you think Mr Gold's son will be like?"

"I don't know Henry" Erica told him softly with a shake of her head, only to watch Henry's shoulders slump slightly and she immediately tried to backpeddal and cheer him up "But I bet whoever it is will like you just as much as I like you"

Grinning at his aunt Henry was satisfied with the answer and turned to his mother who was studying the buttons outside of the apartment building and Erica drowned out the rest of the conversation taking place between Gemma, Henry and the Dark One as she raised an eyebrow, her eyes gazing down the list of names scratched on an old piece of paper until she came across a piece of paper that didn't have a name of it and she realised that that was the person that they were looking for

"Here's your guy" Both twins chorused at the same time

"No" Rumplestilkskin told them "It could just be vacant"

"You might traffic in names and magic but we traffic in finding people that don't wanna be found -- Erica having done it for a number of years -- and  those types of people often don't want to advertise their whereabouts" Emma told the crippled man before she leant down and pushed the button and when the intercom came to life she spoke once again "U.P.S package for 407" 

"Maybe you should have said FedEx" Henry shrugs as the line disconnects 

Erica chuckles and ruffles her nephew's hair but stops when the boy swats her hand away and she stops when the she hears the clashing and noise of something dropping and she quickly turns to Emma "He's running"

* * * * *

Storybrooke. Present day.

Running her fingers a long a row of shelves with what looked like a thousand  books on it, Jaclyn  had been searching for that bloody dagger for hours now and she still hadn't found it, but she knew it had to be in here with the Dark One out of town he wouldn't be stupid enough to take the dagger with him and nor would he be stupid enough to leave it in an obvious place such as his home or shop, probably thinking that either Killian and her would be after it, so the next obvious thing -- at least to Jaclyn -- was to keep it close to his heart and since he literally can't keep it close to his heart it made sense that he would leave it with the person that held his heart...his precious girlfriend 

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