LXiV. A Chance at Life in The Game of Fate

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Storybrooke. Present-day.

ERICA'S VISION'S WERE getting worse

It was getting to the point where Erica couldn't sleep for more than a couple hours every night. Often waking up covered in a sheen of sweat and clinging to Jaclyn, who would wake up a few minutes after her, turn them both over and whisper sweet nothings in her ear until she eventually fell into a fitful sleep

In the morning, Erica woke up with a headache and her bones were as heavy as lead. Visions of Davy Jones and his reign of terror still floated across her eyelids despite the fact the tendrils of the vision had faded hours prior and she was no longer still seeing visions as if she was seeing them

Erica flipped over onto her stomach, Jaclyn's arm still tightly wound around her waist. Her mind was still foggy and she was so warm and comfortable that she never wanted to leave this bed and the visions that seemed to still plague her, seemed just out of reach as she sighed contently and stared at Jaclyn unashamedly

With her hair in a knot at the back of her head and the faint dark rings that seemed to accessories her face -- Jaclyn looked far from conventionally beautiful like this, but somehow Erica's heart still swelled with love every time she saw Jaclyn like this because this is when Erica thinks Jaclyn is at her most beautiful 

Jaclyn wasn't a person to trust very easily between the very long life she had and the fact she hadn't really known anything bar the pirate life she was born into and the people that have constantly mistreated her or double-crossed her. But she trusted Erica. She trusted Erica enough to tell her mostly everything about her past, things she wouldn't dream of telling other people

And if words weren't enough to show Erica that Jaclyn trusted her wholeheartedly, then actions certainly proved it with her arms wrapped tightly around Erica, almost every night and her body pressed so snuggly against Erica's body that it was impossible not to feel safe

She lets her guard down, lets all the walls that she's had to build up over centuries to avoid the hurt seeping in and Jaclyn allows herself to be more comfortable and open around Erica, more herself and Erica can't help the giddy grin that slipped onto her face at the thought

She got to see the real Jaclyn 

Eventually, Jaclyn wakes up, nose crinkling and eyes slowly peeling open. She turned to find Erica already awake and when she opened her mouth to speak, Erica was the first to whisper as if she was afraid to be too loud "Hey"

"Hey sweetheart, how long have you been up?" Jaclyn asked and Erica stiffened, not really sure what to say. A lie was already at the tip of her tongue but she knew that Jaclyn would know she was lying  and based on how she felt — she probably looked a hell of a lot worse

"I...I don't know"

"What thoughts are floating through that pretty little head of yours my darling?" Jaclyn asked, a tanned arm reaching across and tapping Erica's temple. Erica smiled softly and grabbed Jaclyn's finger, playfully biting at it

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