Lii. Slaying Our Demons

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Storybrooke. Present-day.

"ANOTHER CURSE?" MARY Margret asks defeated, her shoulders slumping forward as she looked around the people gathered in front of Regina's vault. Keira and Erica had both gotten a text from Gemma and Emma about something going down, so they both rushed over to where their family was, only to hear about another curse 

Erica once again catches herself wishing that Stroybrooke was a real town without fairytale characters and where her parents weren't the epic love story that was often read to her as a bedtime story, they had gone through shit and barely made it out alive, they were lucky to make it out alive but on the hand, while they have lost so much, they have also gained a lot -- and more importantly the one the thing that the blonde has always wanted a family 

But now everything seemed to be going downhill, and as much as Erica thought she was keeping a grip on reality, she found the harder she tried to grip onto reality, the faster she was slipping away from it 

"Gold is this curse going to work like the last one?" Emma cut in

"The last one was created to service the Queen's wishes. This will be done per Pan's desires, I would count on something hellish" Rumplestilskin told everyone with a slight grimace and that seemed to piss Keira right off as she marches right up to the immortal man before Killian can stop her and slapped the man across the face, much to the shock of Belle and Neal while everyone else had various levels of amusement

"Your family is so messed up, you know that right! You are the Dark One, your father is the demon that ripped out my wings and don't think I don't know who your mother is after all fairies like to gossip" Keira stated, her eyes flashing red and much to the surprise of Erica, Rumplestilskin actually looked scared and Erica bet that it was because of the mother comment, but she didn't say anything "Now you will tell us what we have to do to stop this"

"The curse was built to be unstoppable," Regina tells the pissed-off fairy  

Rumplestilskin shook his head "Well it is possible to stop it"


"By using the scroll itself" Rumplestilskin explains 

Keira looked like she was about to bang her head on the crypt wall and Killian and Jaclyn looked like they were about to step in and try and calm her down, but she put her hand out to them clearly telling them that she would calm herself down "Of course why didn't I think of that? I'm so stupid"

"No you aren't Paige, you're just tired, we all are"

"Thanks, Wexler"

"Your welcome"

After the ex fairy calmed down, thanks to the help of Gemma, Killian and Jaclyn who pulled her back muttering things in her ear, the conversation about how to stop the curse resumed "Now that, that is settled the scroll can only be undone by the person who cast it, that's you Regina"

Erica's stomach dropped. She didn't like the sound of it and no magic ever came without a price, and if they pulled this off. Who would pay it? It sounded like they all might have to pay it by the sounds of things, would they ever get a day off where they didn't have to chase and slay their demons. Was one day too much to ask for

"What do I have to do?" Regina asked, cutting straight to the chase

"You must destroy the curse. Both his curse and yours will be destroyed, but know this there will be a price and it will be a steep one"

"W-What do you suggest?" Gemma asked, her red hair acting as a curtain for her to hide behind and Erica truly felt sorry for the former princess, she had gone through so much in l 

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