XXXVi. Trying to Heal

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Storybrooke. Present day.

HER CHEST WAS aching, that no matter what she did she couldn't get rid off and she hadn't moved from her bed in over a week and hadn't eaten in over three days but she couldn't find herself the strength to eat, she couldn't find strength to do anything apart from lie in her bed and stare up at the ceiling and that's exactly what Erica was doing when her Dad approach her trying to get her to eat something, even if it was just a bite but she didn't even blink as he stood there trying to plead with his eldest daughter to do something, but after a few minutes it was clear that she wasn't going to move, so he just gave up with a heavy sigh and walked away

For days now Erica had been nothing short of a living corpse and it was starting to worry her family but no one was more worried than Erica's own half Emma knew how much of a weight this was on Erica and how much hurt was eating up inside, she drew a long breath and looked to her father silently asking the man what they should do next but he seemed at a loss of what to do but they didn't have time to say much more as Henry looked up at his mother from eating his cereal

"What's wrong with Auntie Erica?" Henry questioned his gaze sliding over. to his aunt who was now curled up on her side holding a pillow as tears streamed down her cheeks, but she didn't move or say anything to indicate that she had heard what was being said "Is she okay?

"Nothing" Emma tells her son "She's just feeling a little sick that's all"

"You guys are lying to me aren't you?" Henry asks suspiciously as he looks between David and Emma who had shared a look before David opened his mouth to say something but closed it again when he found no words

"No, no one's lying" Emma tells him softly

"You're lying" Henry stated as he narrowed his eyes "Just like you did about my Dad"

"Henry I--" Emma started but was cut off by Mary Margret who started making her way down the stairs and as she did she looked at her eldest daughter before frowning and making her way over to the rest of her family and shaking her head

"I feel like this is all my fault" She said softly

"What is?" Henry presses as he looks up at his mom, only for his mother and grandfather to share a look which he caught and once again he felt like he was been protected by people not telling him what was going on as he demanded "Tell me!"

"He's right, no more lying!" Emma stated before sighing when David gave her a look which she ignored as she turned to her son "You see, Cora's death well Erica was slightly responsible for it because she was trying to protect us and Mary Margret because she was going to do something bad but Erica stopped her from doing it and did the bad thing herself"

"But I thought she was the saviour" Henry frowned "Why would she do something bad?"

Emma looked at her son with a loss at what to say when there was a knock on the door and Emma's gaze slide to her father her nods his head and goes to open the door only to reveal Mr Gold standing behind to which David grits out "Get out"

"You may want to hear what I've got to say first" Mr Gold says firmly unmoving and unblinking before his gaze slides over to Mary Margret and David bed where the eldest daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming was curled up in a ball having not moved in days apart from to go to the bathroom "For her sake"

"What are you talking about?" Emma asks resting her hands on Henry's shoulders

"Regina." Rumplestilkskin answered nodding his head in Erica's direction causing Emma to raise an eyebrow in question as to what the immortal man was getting on, only for him to roll his eyes in response before continuing "She's planning to strike back against you're sister"

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