XLiX. Dark One Prophecy

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Neverland. Present-day.

"SO IS EVERYTHING sorted between you and Dad now?" Erica asked as the walked back towards Camp after visiting Tinker Bell's treehouse and getting her to help - which she was happy to do so after finding out that Neal was alive although she wanted a word with Keira before she breached the Compound.

"I think so. I was just so upset that he didn't tell me he was nicked by Dream-shade, after all, secrets are what tore this family apart once and I don't want it to happen again" Mary Margret explains to her oldest daughter who nods her head, Mary Margaret had a right to be upset and angry ( she would be to if she knew someone was keeping something from her ) but she also knew that she wasn't the type of person to hold a grudge which she must have gotten from her mother.

"Well you two are true love" Erica jokes with a wink

"But the Curse managed to take that away from us once before and I don't want that to happen again, I want us all to be a proper family again you, me Emma and David. But you're sister seems to be resisting the idea ever since she found out who we are and I don't know what to say to her to settle her nerves" Mary Margret confides in her eldest daughter

"Then talk to her," Erica said, raising an eyebrow at her mother. It seemed like Emma got her bad communication habit from Mary Margret who could rally troupes around her for a cause but not have one simple conversation with her youngest daughter

"I will" Mary Margret smiles softly "Thank you"

"Hey, Em!" Erica exclaimed as she saw her twin walk up giving her a small smile to which Emma returns with a frown before looking over at the blonde Sherrif who took the message and backed off allowing Mary Margret and Emma to talk

She backed off and turned away to give the two of them privacy to have their first real conversation as mother and daughter, Erica continued to walk through the jungle next to Jaclyn and Killian who gave her a surprised look but Killian was smart enough not to comment Jaclyn, on the other hand, leaned into the blonde and muttered into the woman's ear

"You alright sweetheart?" She asks lowly

Erica nods her head a tired look spreading over her features "I'm fine. I guess I'm just really tired of everything that's going on as it feels like ever since we've landed on this bleeding island everything has gone to shit. My darkness, everyone keeping secrets from everyone and everyone is fractured going into their groups like Keira and Regina"

"Everything will be alright"

"I hope so"

"Keep your chin up love," Jaclyn told her, and Erica smiled before they heard rustling of bushes and thinking it was Pan she immediately shared a glance between the two pirates and they both nodded at her before they raised their particular weapons and Erica raised her eyebrows when she noticed Regina, Keira and Rumplestilkskin came through the bushes

"Well if this is your version of a rescue party" Regina snarked as she walked closer to them "Then we've arrived just in time"

"What are you three doing here?" Mary Margret asked as she stepped back slightly

"We're holding a party" Keira sarcastically answered causing Mary Margret and Gemma to roll their eyes (except the latter did have a small grin on her face) and Tinker Bell, Jaclyn and Killian to snort "We're helping you, of course, Mare"

"Except we actually have a chance" Regina notions behind her towards Keira who was holding a small black box in her hands "Pandora's box, it can trap Pan for eternity simply by opening the lid"

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