X. Mysterious Leather Jacket Guy

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Storybrooke. Present-day.

"SO THIS GUY just turned up, out of the blue, wearing a leather jacket and riding a motorcycle which he just happened to ride into town on?" Erica checked with her sister, struggling to keep her jaw up as she was retold the story of what occurred ...

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"SO THIS GUY just turned up, out of the blue, wearing a leather jacket and riding a motorcycle which he just happened to ride into town on?" Erica checked with her sister, struggling to keep her jaw up as she was retold the story of what occurred between her sister and nephew and a stranger after she left to go to bed, feeling exhausted after the longest day she'd had in a long time 

"Yep" Emma chirped, rolling her eyes after explaining the situation for the fifth time that morning she had already had an earful from Regina this morning after going to say goodbye to Henry this morning, she didn't want to go over the same thing with her sister.

"But Henry said yesterday that nobody ever came to town?" Erica almost screeched 

"Yep," Emma said again sounding bored until Erica's words registered in her mind "Wait, you don't believe Henry's curse do you?" 

Right now with everything that has happened, it's a lot easier to swallow than this town just being a normal time because if it is then it is a weird and creepy town and I say if that were the case, we need to get out of here, fast. Erica thought but didn't actually voice any of her thoughts and instead shook her head 

"Good," Emma says before she continued "We need to find out who this guy is and what he wants"

Erica shook her head "First we need to talk about Henry -- and more specifically Henry's father" The blonde watched as Emma's face fell at the sentence as her muscles become taunt and she stands up straight like she was going on the defensive and actively looking for a fight "What were you thinking? Telling Henry his father is a firefighter ... He thinks his father is some kind of hero instead of a stealing jackass that only cares and only will ever care about himself. You know that he will find out eventually and when he does he's going to be pissed at you for not telling him the truth straight away"

"Henry's father could be anyone!" Emma exclaimed, defeated.

"Do you really believe that?" Erica asked giving her a pointed look 

"Yes?" Emma says, but it was a little too quick and Erica knew her sister was grasping at straws that weren't even there and Erica gives her another pointed look but her sister was so deep in the rabbit hole of denial that she was just making up excuse after excuse "Look how many people did I sleep with as a way of getting over Neal, before you finally made me see sense, I don't want him knowing that is father is the reason I was put in prison"

Erica rolled her eyes knowing full well that while yes Neal did steal the watches, Emma had full control over her own actions and could of just as easily walked away but instead she stole the watches out of the locker out of her own free will -- Neal wasn't holding a gun to her head and that was the reason Emma wound up in prison 

"Whatever" Erica stated finally with another slight eye roll "I'm going to see if there's anything on our Mysterious Leather Jacket guy, feel free to drop Henry by later"

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