LV. Scars Don't Define Us

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Seven Seas. One Year Ago.

"SCARS TELL US where we've been but they don't tell us where we want to end up. They don't define us" Jaclyn told Erica in a soothing voice as Erica woke up from another nightmare. Her body shaking and her heart was beating so loud she can hear it in her ears, but she tried as best she could to focus on Jaclyn's voice 

"I-I have more scars than I ever wanted too" Erica admits, her voice quiet almost like a child and she was still shaking but Jaclyn shushes her and gently pushes her back down to the bed before laying down next to her and cradling her body as if she was trying to protect her from the world, and as Erica's breathing evened she found herself never wanting to leave this moment but she knew by morning that moment would be shattered 

Jaclyn kissed her hairline and pulled Erica in closer to her body making Erica sigh in content this is where she wanted to stay for the rest of her life "I'll stay with you tonight. I'll stay with you every night until you don't need me anymore"

"I don't know how I could ever not need you" Erica twisted in Jaclyn's embrace so that she was facing the pirate and gently stroked the side of her face, their voices matching barely above a whisper as they didn't want to wake up the others "You changed my life, Jaclyn Sparrow. After I found out I was not the Saviour like everyone thought and I broke up with Rachel, who I really did love because it wasn't right to be selfish and keep her from her happy ending. You came into my life and like a whirlwind, you flipped it upside down and I could no longer see straight. With the darkness building in my heart, you were the one that offered me a way out -- a way to forget and be selfish for once go after what I want. Once Rachel said I was her light in the darkness but I don't believe that's true. I think you are mine"

Erica had no time to react after she had finished speaking, her hands were suddenly pinned above her head and Jaclyn was on top of her smirking down at her before their lips attach. This kiss held desire and lust and was different from the few tentative kisses they had given each other since they had started dating

Jaclyn pulled away so the two could breathe as she was still looming over Erica, the same crooked smirk "And I think you are mine, I will do anything for you sweetheart. I don't care about the darkness, it's actually quite exciting love and as long as your with me you don't have to worry about the darkness"

"But I killed someone! Is that exciting?" 

"No. I'm not saying its a good thing but we're all battling our demons your demon just happens to be literal darkness and you have to remember yes you may have killed people but you killed them for a good reason. You killed Cora to save your mom from darkening her heart and you killed Alice to save yourself" Jaclyn explained with a small frown 

"Is that not technically a serial killer?" Erica raised an eyebrow

"Maybe" Jaclyn shrugs "But you're doing it to protect your family. That's brave"

"Will you stay with me?"

"Always and hey maybe if this is still bothering you when we manage to find Emma and get back to Storybrooke -- home -- then maybe you should start seeing the cricket. I heard from Keira, who sees him that he actually helps her. Maybe he can help you too"

"Maybe" Erica mummers

* * * * *

Storybrooke. Present-day.

They were all settled in the living room David by the fireplace, Mary Margret on the armchair Keira and Gemma squished on the floor with Emma, Erica and Elizabeth sat on the sofa with Erica's head in Elizabeth's lap and the two pirates off to the side by the bookcase Erica tried to stop her gaze from going over to Jaclyn and instead she was watching the flames in the fire 

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