LX. The Sparrow Who Hates Witches (Most of Them Anyway)

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Calypso's shop. Then

IT WASN'T THE first time she had gone to the Sea-Goddess for help with something, the Goddess Calypso had helped Jaclyn many times throughout the nearly twenty-five's year-old life so why should this be any different? After all, she was just going to Calypso for some help and they were somewhat friends 

She had after all given her some of the tattoos on her back 

Mind you it was because Jaclyn was annoying her because she couldn't remember the enchantment for the Sword of Cortès and so Calypso tattooed them onto her back alongside the words of the Spanish poem she already had written on her back 

Calypso had saved her life, time and time again

And of course, Calypso had taken in the slaves that Jaclyn had rescued -- she would never get the sight or smell out of her brain, it was ingrained in there and was a constant source of nightmares but it wasn't like she could do much about it, she just had to roll with the punches and hoped that she wouldn't get in more trouble than she already was

But the thing is trouble seemed to follow her like a damn magnet 

As if it was cursed, the Pirate Brand on her skin began to itch and burn and Jaclyn began to pick and pull at her skin, an irritated sigh leaving her lips as no matter what she did the scarring still seemed to itch and burn 

She didn't stop until she felt the warm mix of blood on her fingers and even then it took all the self-restraint that she had to do so. In disgust, she looked down at the mess of blood and the ugly charred burn that marked her skin. Its 'P' displayed proudly on her skin, almost begging for attention 

See this is where her troubles really began (She had some more before that but that would involve thinking about her father and she really didn't want to do that) when Mercer and Beckett decided to take into their own hands and brand her like a bitch 

Jaclyn honestly didn't mind trouble, but it was the good kind of trouble the one where she was constantly testing limits of herself and the limits of the patience of those that surrounded her. It was honestly the most fun she had when she was out there testing and bending those in the rigid society around her 

Because society had rules and most of the rules were stupid like how kissing girls were a sin well if they ever actually kissed a girl, they wouldn't be saying that but in society's eyes that just made her more of an outcast than being a pirate 

Oh well...She won't dwell on that too long 

She was just trying to help out society 

Jaclyn also helped out Calypso with things like trying to find the treasure of Cortès, after all, it had been on her orders that she goes looking for the treasure (wanting to have a full set of items so she can keep them safe, or so Jaclyn was told) already having the Sword of Cortès and the Timekeeper after Jaclyn gave them to the Goddess deeming them too powerful for anyone but the voodoo witch to have but Calypso wanted the treasure too.

If only she wasn't so stupid to give up the bearings of the treasure to her First Mate and thought he'd actually hold up his end and she hadn't trusted him then maybe she'd get the spoils of the haul too, but no, all that she was left with bitter betrayals that turned to ash in her mouth.

And Billy...

She wasn't sure which betrayal hurt more, she had half expected it from Hector. His greed has always been a powerful motivator. He had told her once that was why he joined the life of piracy because it gave him the freedom to do what he wanted and take what he could and give nothing back 

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