LX. Fatherly Talks

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Storybrooke. Present-day

ERICA LAUGHED AS she chased after Henry, her nephew following her slightly confused behind her. It didn't take her long to catch up to the young Turner, scooping him up in her arms and resting him on her hip as she walked towards the docks, keeping an eye out for her nephew and making sure he was following behind and alright

It was a sight to see, the Sheriff dressed up in pirate gear carrying a little boy dressed in similar clothes on her hip but the most she got were a few weird looks, especially when she walked down Main Street as it was one of the busiest streets in town and it got less so the closer you got to the docks (as nobody wanted to be around pirates and strangely in the off chances there was no villain of the day she always got called down to the docks for some kind of disturbance. It was mostly from the dwarves who didn't really trust the pirates and was always looking for reasons to get Jaclyn in trouble

But right now she couldn't care less. 

The salt stung Erica's nostrils as they approached the docks and once again Erica spotted The Black Pearl floating on the waves. Its black sails curled and billowed in the air and looked like a flagship among the Storybrooke harbour. It was then that Erica was able to appreciate the true beauty of the ship, why, apart from it being a staple in Jaclyn's life of all the things she had achieved and overcome. It also was crafted with obvious care and love although she knew most of the ship didn't have original parts but it didn't matter because Jaclyn loved it all the same

And therefore so did Erica 

She still carried Henry Turner in her arms but he squirmed to be let down as they saw the ship come into view and she placed him down, watching as he ran back to her other nephew and grabbed his hand. The twelve-year-old glanced at her unsurely and Erica nodded minutely and then they were gone, the two boys racing up the gangplank 

Erica was idle, she ambled as she took her time getting to the ship, they would wait for her anyway. She had earned her place amongst the crew -- amongst the family -- and with that came respect. She knew part of that was fear among them as well and thought made her giddy 

What dampened her mood slightly was when she remembered that her parents and other family didn't like this new family she had built from scratch. The last year may have been extremely hard but she wouldn't change it for anything in the world because it pushed her to her limits, and showed her exactly what she was capable of -- and while it wasn't always good -- it was amazing to remember just how she started and where she was now 

She had gone through so much, she had survived so much and now she wanted to thrive with the people that she cared about and she would make no apologies for such things. Erica just wished her family understood that she wasn't the same person that had left them a year ago, she was a different person almost entirely 

With that thought in mind, she raced up the gangplank and onto the ship. The wood creaks familiarly under her feet. It didn't take long to find her boys along with her pirate engaged in a sword fight, Jaclyn and the Recurit locked in a fight with blunted swords while Henry Mills wielded a wooden sword, a nervous look crossing his features as he edged after the younger Henry, trying -- and failing -- to copy the moves that the Recruit was doing. 

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