XXXii. New York, New York

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Storybrooke. Present day.

OPENING THE DOOR, Erica was met with the stern glare of Rumplestilskin but she just ignored the man as she moved to collet her bag and left Emma to deal with the former pawnbroker as he turned his attention to the younger Swan anyway "You ready to go Miss Swan?"

"Almost" Emma mumbles 

"Do you think it'll be warm where we're going, or cold?" Henry asks his aunt and mother and Erica spins around, taking the attention off her own packing and turning towards the eleven year old and raising an eyebrow at how much he seems to be carrying 

"I thinks layers are best. That's what I'm packing" Erica chuckles 

Rumplestillkskin turns his attention back to Emma and off Henry and Erica and seemed to glare at the younger blonde "I thought the terms of our agreement were quite clear. You owe me a favour -- You alone"

Erica scoffed "Well that may be, but I'm not leaving my sister"

"I'm not leaving Henry with Cora lurking about and since Erica wants to come with me, I. have no assurances of what might happen to my son" Emma told the Dark One firmly before adding on as an afterthought "Oh and since what happened at the hospital. We aren't comfortable in leaving Gemma as we don't know what Cora or Regina  might have her do, so either we all go or we all stay" 

"Then we'll just have to purchase three more plain tickets won't we?" Rumple said eventually 

"Wait." Emma asked "We're flying?"

"Don't worry I'm paying for the expenses even the new ones" Rumplestilkskin tells the, 

"You're a real charmer aren't you?" David asks sarcastically as he walks down the stairs and passes a brown travel bag to Emma and picks up Erica's suitcase and hands it to her before turning to the former pawnbroker and narrowing his eyes "All right Gold you're going out there with my family. Just know if anything happens just know that I'll--"

"You'll what?" Rumplestillkskin challenges as he leans against his cane, that Erica hadn't seen since magic came to the town. "You'll cross the town line and David Nolan is going to hunt me down in his animal van?" 

"I'll be devastated" David shakes his head "This isn't a threat. It's a request, take care of 'em"

"Don't worry, no harm will come to them, after all we had a deal" Rumple assures

* * * * * 

Storybrooke. Present day.

Erica, Gemma and Henry were all squished in the back of Rumplestilkskin's car who was driving and Emma sits in the the front seat. Henry leans across Erica and hangs onto the passenger seat and asks "So ... Where we going?

"Longan International Airport" Rumplestilkskin replies without looking back

"I think he meant after that" Emma snipped

"Let's just take this one step at a time shall we?" Erica suggested trying to diffuse the situation as  she leant back in her seat and folded her arms, her sister gave her a look but she just ignored it, she had gotten used to her sisters looks after all the years that she just ignored it at this point and instead turned to the former pawnbroker and asked "You really think the shawl will work?"

"Well, if it doesn't and Gemma and I reverse back to our cursed selves then we have a problem, don't we" Mr Gold firmly told her and the young sheriff put her hands up in a 'I surrender' mention before he carried on "It'll work"

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