i. Prison for Fairytale Characters

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Storybrooke. Present-day.

FATE AND DESTINY were often entwined, even if Erica didn't believe in either, they were often two sides of the same coin. She will always remember the night of her twenty-eighth birthday for it was the day everything changed for Erica (although she doesn't know that yet)

And whether it was for the best or whether she should have remained in the dark about her own destiny, Erica still hadn't decided but she knew that because of that knock on the door on her birthday her whole life was set on a new course and would forever be changed

Or maybe it wasn't destiny and fate that had designed her course after all. Maybe it was just a ten-year-old kid that wanted to find his birth mom and had gotten himself all the way from Maine to Boston on a bus in order to do so. Storybook in hand as he clings onto the thing that he can rely on that being stories and works of fiction after just finding out he was adopted.

Still, Erica believes destiny had a part to play on the night of her twenty-eighth birthday.

Or what she believes now

See it all started with a knock on the door, Erica was celebrating her twenty-eighth birthday with her twin sister Emma, alone but together as they always will be probably. But this was fine for as long as they had one another by each other's side's they could take on the world and when they heard a knock on the door. Emma opened the door to reveal a kid that was no more than ten years old, who had a book in his hand and who claimed to be Emma's son.

Confused as hell Emma let the strange boy into her apartment and began to question him while Erica cut and ate the cake they got and ate with her fingers. Only interjecting when she felt the need to, and before long it was decided that Henry (the strange boy's name) will be driven back to the even stranger sounding town of Storybrooke, Maine by the two women

So now as Erica Swan sat in the back of Emma's yellow bug (that she has never liked but that is a story for another time) squished between the window and her nephew -- apparently -- and only half listening as the boy rattled on informing the women that they were the twin daughters of the fairytale characters Snow White and Prince Charming and there was a prophecy written about them long ago

"Okay, kid how bout an address?" Emma asked looking over at her son

"Twenty forth not telling you street" Henry replied and it took Erica biting down on her lip to make sure she didn't laugh, it took a lot to get under both of their skin, after all, Emma was a bail bond person and Erica was a deputy for the police force in Boston

But the kid was sure doing a good job of getting under Emma's

The car lurched to a stop and Erica flew forward, nearing hitting the seat in front of her and she leaned on the battered leather of the seats, irritation seeping into her tone "Geez Em  a little warning next time?"

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