XLVii. Control

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  Neverland. Present-day.

"SO LET ME get this straight" Erica began and upon seeing the mischievous glint in her sister's eyes and the way her lips quirked up into a slight smirk Erica gave her a sharp look knowing what joke had come to her mind, she gave her Emma a don't-...

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"SO LET ME get this straight" Erica began and upon seeing the mischievous glint in her sister's eyes and the way her lips quirked up into a slight smirk Erica gave her a sharp look knowing what joke had come to her mind, she gave her Emma a don't-you-dare-think-about-it look and Emma managed to swallow her grin "Gemma nearly kissed you but backed away at the last minute dude what were you thinking letting her go!"

She wasn't tired, she had gotten some sleep earlier when she accidentally fell asleep on Jaclyn's lap. The pirate hadn't even woke her, she had come to on her own, a warm feeling spreading through her limbs and Jaclyn combing her fingers through Erica's hair, weaving braids into it here and there

Erica didn't know what to do.

She felt comfortable with Jaclyn like she didn't have to put on a mask or pretend to be someone she wasn't. Though Erica knew she was being entirely selfish by leading Jaclyn on and then not following through, she had thought about kissing the brunette on multiple occasions but could never fully justify giving herself that happiness, even though she knew she was letting down Jaclyn 

Of course, she wanted happiness but she couldn't give it to herself.

Your heart is rotten, after all.

"I could say the same for you Ms I'm madly in love with a pirate but won't admit it or go after her," Emma told her sister as she nudged her causing said blonde to roll her eyes but Erica just ignored her as she glanced down at her scuffed and muddy shoes, nerves rising in her chest and butterflies in her belly 

"You know that's different" Erica mumbles, scoffing lightly "You saw what I did yesterday"

"Yes, but what are you going to do Ric? Close yourself off to love forever, because believe me I know that's not exactly the most healthy way to go through life and you'll just make yourself miserable"

"But I have you--"

"Yes but you aren't trying to flirt and have sex with me are you?" Emma asked with a raised eyebrow and Erica coughed in disbelief at the blunt way her sister put it until eventually, those coughs bubbled over into laughter making Emma nudge her in order to quiet her down as the others were sleeping and they didn't want to wake them up and at that moment, even if it was just while they closed their eyes could pretend they were sixteen again, swapping secrets with each other and laughing over nothing when they didn't have to face the reality that they were daughters of fairy tale characters and saviours and Dark Ones when all they had was each other

When the laughter sobered up, Erica mumbled "That was incredibly blunt"

"What it's true?" Emma shrugged "And while you will always have me for your emotional needs and all that shit, you also need a romantic relationship and thats something I can't give you without it being creepy look Jaclyn likes you and I know you like her even if I don't know why so why don't you just go for it. I mean what is stopping you and don't say it's the darkness because I know it runs deeper than that"

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