Chapter one:Take the case

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A/N: this is all from my imagination .if it by occarance similar to someone else work it is by chance. People, places, and situations are from the authors 9
imagination . Thank you for reading this is my first books so I'm learning as I go.some of my chapters are unedited, so I will update corrections .

Amelia P.O.V

In the days  many referred to as "the dark ages"monsters owned the night . It been two hundred and fifty years after ,victor her maker ,killed her human body. soon she reborn into what humans feared.... as a vampire . She came to cope with her new life and powers.she had seen the creations of empires and their soon down fall. As a newly changed vampire ,Mia ,had no control over the thirst .the darkness within slowly consumed her soul over the yesars. The darkness devoured everything it came in contact with no remorse. Centuries past she didn't like the blood thisrty monster she had become.

she yearned more than anything for redemption of he past transgressions. She vowed from that day she would be that person anymore . She locked away the darkness.., the thirst ...
she locked that part herself away...



I shot to my feet from my memories as my secretary phoebe's chair. Came crashing through my new glass office door.  Damn I cant keep a glass office door without it being shattered. I Massaged my temples in slow circles as the lycan's luna came in to view. My business partner Leon out his office .That was directly diagonal from mine. In the reception area loud screaming could be heard and shattering of vases.

"Ladies what is going on out here? "He question .Phobes's low counting under her breath spoke volume upon the tension within the room. The Luna push a stray hairs from her face with one Scarlett talon like nail.

"I am a Luna I do not wait for anyone they wait for me" she started making a resting bitch face.

If looks could kill the Luna would be dead by
Phoebe . She glared daggers at her while rubbing her swollen belly. As the Luna strolled into my office as if she owned it.  She walked through the empty office door frame .Her stellettios crunched on the broke shards that littered my once clean floor.

The Luna wore prada from head to toe, Scarlett lips ,and long silver hair.In lycan and werewolf society the color of your hair shows your hierarchy of the pack . people from town are not accustomed to the to the shifters ways . Your natural hair Should be the color of your wolf fur.White and black fur are rare usually alpha and gammas the betas and mates of betas are brown as for red fur are common but multicolored fur is also rarest it takes on the personality traits of the color. I had never seen my wolf fur she had been dormant since my turning. I knew her name is willow and she is witty attitude. It was widely known amongst the pack that the Luna .wanted to be a white wolf but she had a mink colored wolf . She took a seat in front of my desk as if nothing had happened. Behind her trailed a pretty young girl wearing solid black from head to toe. the girl rolled her eyes as the Luna fanned her eye . Trying to dry the mascara that had started to run.

Deep breath as I tried to reign in the fury I felt I'm not that person anymore . I recited. My mantra to myself. I am not a monster. Everyone says that within us we possess a little darkness .But for mia, she had immense darkness due to vampire-lycan destructive nature.

"Ms.La Fleur ,can I call you Amelia" the Luna said
"No ,just Mia would be fine" I stated

"You can call me The Luna" Luna stated as I heard a smirk from the gothic girl .

"You seem like a compentant enough to for the job.the damn police won't help they say he's not a threat to the town so we can't help you." It sounded like something her brother ash would say. I chuckled under my breath.

The Luna went into her mundane speech reguarding the thing she needed found.
"His name is Drake Quin my stepson and the next in line alpha to the dark moon pack." As she slide a Manila folder of documents and picture . Drake's ice blue eyes captivated Mia even though it's only a picture .drake had a rugged edge about him dark wavy hair that fell into his eyes. Chizled face with strong jaw dusted with some facial hair . She had a weakness for the short well groomed beards . Her knees went weak . From what she knew from the file that skimmed through. She could tell that he didn't seem the type to go rouge and leave his pack so that woman can run it.

Mia heard a quiet voice " Oh please, you don't even like my brother, you conniving bitch "

Mia bust out laughing at the comment .Gemini shot her a look of curiosity .With a smirk "

"What are you ? You don't smell like lycan"Gemini mind link Mia so the Luna couldn't hear.

"I'm vampire and lycan but can't have a mate.its complicated" Mia explained

"Oh I'm a gemini lycan, my brother drake is my twin. I'm Gemini"
Before she could respond the Luna abruptly rose from the chair . She stopped at the door

" If he doesn't make it back by the end of the month my son will become alpha. " she wailed with a smirk "Gemini".
Gemini scurried to the door like a scolded animal would do . When out the front door close and no sign of them .

Leon whistled as he swept the floor gathering the shards . " That one is a piece of work , so pretty but a whole lot of crazy. You taking the case?"

Mia started to massage her temples once more as she lowered into her soft desk chair. " we have no choice I'm afraid . I don't blame drake for going rouge".

She hoped the rest of the day wouldn't go as eventful as the morning had gone

What y'all think so far?
Would you have helped find drake?
What would be a good name for a vampire lycan ? Love to hear y'all creative input!
The Luna made u mad ? Wait she's gonna get worse.

Please any feedback will be appreciated thank you for reading this had a blast writing if

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