Chapter 1 Boys Will Be Jerks

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Blue yawned as he once again attempted to stretch out his long legs within the tight confines of the airline seat. He glanced at the watch on his wrist, noting it was almost two in the morning. Or at least it was in Charlotte, North Carolina he thought with a sigh, adjusting in his seat for the millionth time trying to get comfortable. As the plane was currently midair, flying towards Bangkok, Thailand, Blue supposed the actual time would depend on the person you asked. For the first time he truly understood Einstein's theory. Time really was relative.

"Hu!" he huffed out, rubbing at his face with his hands. The fact that he was mentally musing over a scientific theory when he absolutely hated science was a true testament to just how tired he was! Sitting back, he shifted his shoulders while adjusting the small pillow between the wall of the plane and his head. He hefted the small airplane blanket up so that it covered the lobes of his ears. The plane was cold and having just had his midnight colored hair shorn to a stylish undercut fade, his ears were exposed and taking the brunt for his vanity.

His vanity? He thought on that for a second before putting up cautionary mental 'do not cross' tape. Thoughts like those weren't safe. Despite this trip, being on this plane right now, it was as far as Blue was willing to pursue that train of thought. There was time soon enough after he landed, after he booked into his hotel, after... Baby steps.

Blue stared blankly outside the window but unfortunately the night sky prevented him from seeing anything. Without a distraction and being unable to sleep his brain continued to whirl a mile a minute despite his best efforts to rein it in. This trip was bringing it all back. Vivid colored pictures bounced around in his mind. The past flickered through his mind like a movie. 

Thoughts he had avoided for four years.... or had tried to avoid. 

Feelings he had denied.... or had tried to deny. 

Memories never lost just suppressed. 

Impressions still felt but faded. 

Images not forgotten but blocked.

Of, Kool. Every last single one of them of, Kool.

Legally his name was, Kulap Somboon. The foreign exchange student that had come to live with Blue and his family their senior year in high school. The dyed blonde-haired kid that had always worn black from head to toe no matter the weather or circumstance. The stylish boy that had worn lots of silver and leather jewelry that would have looked strange on Blue himself but Kool had pulled off with ease. The shy and timid youth that had a secret tattoo his family knew nothing about and, he had told Blue, would be furious if they ever did. The foreigner that spoke with a heavy but soft English accent that a person often had to strain to hear but who's laugh was so infectious it brought smiles to even the most humorless of teachers. Blue had considered Kulap different but cool within hours of meeting him. In no time at all, Kulap's name had been abbreviated and Blue had started simply thinking of him as Kool.

Thousands of miles passed beneath him as Blue recalled that year where it all started...

In the beginning, Blue hadn't wanted Kool to come. He was the son of a son's cousin something or other whom, long story short, his mom had agreed to allow come stay with them. Blue's grandparents had immigrated to the United States when Blue's, Mom was three years old. Though he had never been to Thailand himself, his grandparents had often visited throughout the years and had stayed in touch with their family and various friends. Hence the arrival of a stranger into his home his senior year. How could he have been happy about that? Especially as his mom had made it clear Blue was expected to take the kid with him everywhere, he himself went like an unpaid babysitter.

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