Chapter 2 Boys Will Be Accused

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Blue suppressed a shudder. That night still had the power to wake him up in a cold sweat. If not for Kool, the scope of his world could be really different right now, and not in a good way.

It had been a Friday night after the first home game. The guys were feeling invincible as they had taken down their rivals in a massacre for a 34-0 win. Dixon, a wide receiver on the team and a friend of Blue's since elementary days had announced a party at his house. Dixon's parents had left on a weekend buying trip for their small antique store and he was home alone. Word had spread rapidly and within an hour it seemed as if half the school had shown up.

Blue had offered Kool a lift to the party but a group of giggling girls had begged Kool to ride with them. Blue had rolled his eyes at Kool and only said, "Whatever, man. I'll see you there."

He climbed into his semi-new Charger and sat and waited for Chase and Hunter, also on the team, who had asked him for a ride. Blue figured they were still in the locker room getting cleaned up. As he waited, he watched the back of Kool as he walked towards a blue SUV, silently listening to the chattering girls around him. Granted, Blue didn't know Kool very well. Something he freely admitted was no bodies fault but his own and something he was trying to fix. But Kool he noticed, no matter how many females surrounded him, never seemed to show interest in any of them. Blue watched as Kool disappeared into the dark interior of the girl's truck. Lights flashed on, break lights flashing even brighter, before the truck made its way slowly out of the parking lot. Blue had been contemplating if maybe Kool had a girlfriend back home when Chase and Hunter showed up loudly arguing over where we would stop and eat before heading to the party. Distracted from further thoughts about Kool, Blue quickly ended their argument by turning the music up louder and revving the engine into life. He put the car into gear as Hunter started loudly belting out the words to the popular song.

They had shown up to the party about forty-five minutes later. Tons of people had already arrived so Blue parked a few hundred yards away from the ranch style home. Dixon's house was located in a remote-ish area. The closest neighbor was about another two hundred yards from where they parked. In front of them they could see people were roaming pretty much everywhere.

The house was ablaze and music could be heard thumping. As they got closer to the house, Blue could see various people milling about while holding clear plastic cups obviously containing beer. Chase and Hunter also seemed to notice as they suddenly whooped out shouts of approval and started running towards the house. Blue shook his head as he watched them run off. Idiots!

As Blue approached the house, he saw a familiar blonde head a few feet in front of him. He laughed to himself as he realized without the blonde hair the boy would be difficult to see, seeing as he was dressed in his habitual black style. Blue took a couple of steps closer and sidled up beside Kool. "Do you ever wear anything else other than black?" he asked as he stopped beside him, shoulder to shoulder. Well... more shoulder to elbow.

Blue must have startled Kool because his slight body jumped before he turned to look up at Blue. Blue wondered for a moment if Kool's surprise may have had more to do with the fact that Blue had actually asked him something personal for the first-time since, they had met more than him actually being surprised at Blue's appearance. Other than the basic necessity type questions Blue had determinedly never shown any interest in Kool. Blue sighed inwardly, frustrated with himself as he once again thought about his childish, not to mention, asinine plan. He was the idiot, he inwardly and sarcastically mocked himself! Top contender to take home that award standing right here! Outwardly though, Blue remained composed. The desire to protect his dignity was still overriding his natural inclination to just stick his hand out and apologize. Stupid of him he knew, but he was really embarrassed. He was kind of hoping if he just glossed over the past couple of weeks and started acting nice, Kool would follow his lead. The kid was really nice after all.

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