Chapter 11 Boys Will Cut Loose

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Kulap was having a difficult time keeping his eyes to himself. There was just something about Blue that pushed all the right buttons inside Kulap. Had four years ago and was doing so now. Times ten!

Since picking Blue up outside his hotel, Kulap had darted several discreet looks his way. Taking in his clothes, his hair, his walk, his talk. Piece by piece he looked, he absorbed, he quite frankly lusted. He wished that he could have five uninterrupted minutes to just stare at him. The furtive peeks were annoying and quite frankly teasing.

Kulap had experienced a gamut of emotions today. He had gone from being adamantly against going dancing tonight or having anything to do with Blue for that matter, to feeling almost desperate inside to take in the tiniest detail about him. It felt as if a huge fissure had been chiseled into his very hard-earned stony exterior since meeting Blue again and his foundation was shaking. Kulap would have laughed out right at the absurdity of it all if it wouldn't have brought attention to himself.

As it was, he was casually sitting back in his chair, one arm draped over the back while his other hand loosely held his half-drunk imported beer. His eyes were veiled and he wore his standard businessman expression of bored disinterest. Inside him though was an entirely different matter. He was anything but bored or disinterested. Floundering, unrealistically expectant, desperately confused, and shamelessly hopeful would better describe his current state of mind and body.

Right at this moment he was never more grateful for the business etiquette training forced upon him by his parents. They had wanted him to be able to disguise his thoughts and emotions, wanted him to have an elite poker face. It was funny really, Kulap thought to himself. He was pretty sure they hadn't had this in mind when they thought of him using these particular skills.

Kulap rested back a tad more in his chair, his body slowly loosening, releasing itself from its habitually stiff posture. The cold beer and the pulsing music were working better at relaxing him than any message chair. Kulap glanced over at Blue and saw that he, too was loosening up, his neck gliding in shallow-like bounces to the beat of the music floating in from the main dance floor. The effortless movements so small, yet so sexy had Kulap shifting suddenly in his chair. The unexpected physical reaction of his body completely catching him off guard.

Mia's sudden excited order to dance was a welcome distraction. The physical exertion of dancing was what he needed right now to work off the unexpected arousal watching Blue had caused. Or at least he hoped it did. Considering the number of times, he had fantasized about this very thing with Blue there was a distinct possibility not even dancing would be strenuous enough to overcome his body's enthusiastic reaction.

Kulap grabbed hold of Mia's offered hand and stood to his feet with her. His hand still gripping hers, he extended it out as she circled around the table towards Blue, her other hand reaching out to him in silent invitation.

Kulap watched as Blue's eyes searched out Kulap's. Kulap was careful to keep a look of resignation on his face as every bone in his body was desperate to hide any hint of the internal excitement that was actually thrumming through him.

Watching Blue's hesitation, Kulap felt a twinge of sympathy. Though four years older, the jock of back then was probably cringing inside. Considering what an ass Kulap had been towards Blue today it was amazing he was even sitting here let alone about to embark on an activity he hated. Kulap felt his body once again stir to life. Only this time it was his heart physically responding. Kulap was touched that Blue so evidently wanted to reconnect with him that he was putting himself in a position far outside his comfort zone.

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