Chapter 27 Boys Will Be Confronted

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Monday afternoon Blue slid into the back of a taxi, his hip stinging sharply as the material of his shorts rubbed against his latest acquisition; a tattoo of a blue rose. He had always wanted a tattoo but never knew of what. He had never had a good enough reason for getting one other than just because it seemed cool. That had always felt like a dumb reason to Blue so he had never gone through with getting one. Until he had seen Kool's.

Seeing Kool's tattoo and learning the story behind it had touched Blue. He'd also instantly flashed on the idea of getting one of his own. The image of a small blue rose had immediately come to mind. He had almost mentioned it to Kool but had refrained. This would be a permanent mark on his body so he needed to decide for himself.

Every day since, Blue's mind had wandered more and more towards the idea. After their weekend together, Blue had decided then what he was going to do.

So, after lunch with Kool today he had headed immediately to a certified establishment he had located last night after Kool had dropped him back off at the hotel. Blue had decided against telling Kool about his plans because he wanted to surprise him tonight. He had also worried Kool might try to talk him out of it and Blue didn't want that.

From the moment he had thought of getting it to the minutes he was actually sitting in the hot pink plastic chair having it done by the tiniest woman he had ever seen, the very real pain a constant reminder of what he was doing, Blue had no doubts. Even now, the nagging reminder that throbbed somewhat hotly didn't give him cause for regret. His blue rose would forever be with him... always.

Blue felt the unexpected sting of tears at the backs of his eyes and he blinked several times to keep them at bay. Their time was limited and it felt like every thought now was a reminder of that. Crying would not do him any good though. It would only make his eyes red and puffy and then he would have to explain to Kool why. None of those things were acceptable but damn, his heart was heavy. It hurt.

This weekend had cemented what Blue had already discovered. He very truly, deeply loved Kulap Somboon and the thought of having only limited days left with him was miserable to think about. He had two more weeks left of his vacation. Two weeks to soak up a lifetime of memories.

Like a hoarder every brush of Kool's lips with his was freezeframed in his mind. Every time his hand touched him even in the most trivial of manner that precious moment was locked up tightly in his memories to be brought out and treasured when he would no longer have Kool at his side. Blue sniffed, as his last thought was almost too agonizingly painful to bear.

The hand resting on Blue's knee drew into a fist and he squeezed so tightly the tanned skinned turned an odd yellowish color, the strain over his knuckles revealing deep despair and the very real anguish the man seated in the back of the taxi was having difficulty keeping at bay.

His mind roamed back to Saturday night when they had dressed and actually stepped back into the real world so they could have a 'real date' per Kool's expectations.

The two of them had set out in casual clothes and walked hand and hand down the bustling city streets, enjoying that first 'real date.' They had eaten dinner, sharing food off of each other's plates, feeding each other, holding hands across the table. The small simple gestures so easily overlooked by others as ordinary had been so incredibly significant and meaningful to them.

Picturing him again in his mind, Blue recalled how much he had loved how Kool looked. Though dressed as casually as Blue, Kool had taken one extra measure that had set him apart from the man Blue knew him to be today. He had walked out of their room with accessories of silver and black leather at his neck, wrists, and adorning his fingers, reminding Blue very much of the young man of yesterday.

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