Chapter 10 Boys Will Be Reluctant

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This is going to be a nightmare, Blue thought as he flopped back against the taxi seat as it drove away from the deceptively sweet looking girl and once sweet boy. He rested his head back and closed his eyes. Good gosh what had he gotten himself into!

Dancing. He hated dancing! Blue rolled his head against the seat, opened his eyes, and stared out the window. He didn't hate it, he silently corrected himself as he watched halfheartedly the bustling city on the other side of the window. He actually loved it. But he did hate dancing in front of other people. He was, too big. Though he loved to dance and felt good when he danced that didn't mean he looked good when he danced.

Blue shuddered at the thought of what he would look like dancing next to Kool. Blue huffed out a scoffing laugh and ran his hand through his hair as he imagined how ridiculous he would look. Kool was all fluid motion and lean rhythm. Blue figured he would look like a lumbering bear on crack in comparison.

Thumping his closed fist on his thigh, Blue's mind continued to conjure up various images of tonight, taunting him. None of them were pretty. The ones that included Kool. Well that was another story.

The taxi pulled up to the hotel and Blue retrieved his wallet paying the driver and thanking him. Climbing out he decided he would spend the day on the beach. So much had happened since he had set off this morning to see Kool only to end up meeting Kulap instead. He needed some time to decompress and think things through.

Blue sighed as he made his way into the hotel and headed towards the elevators. He would get changed, slab on some sunscreen, grab a few bottles of water and head out back to the beach. He had a lot of thinking to do and he could not imagine a more beautiful place do it. The sunny beauty would help alleviate some of the dark turns he knew his thoughts would take.

Ten minutes later, Blue grabbed his cell phone, sunglasses, and entry card up off the dresser where he had dropped them earlier, pulled the bottles of water from the fridge, snatched up a towel and set off back downstairs. He'd considered taking a book with him as well, but who was he kidding? He had too many thoughts currently whirling around in his mind. No book would be interesting enough right now to hold his attention. His current life story was fast eclipsing any book found on any best seller list.

Finding a spot somewhat away from others, Blue spread his towel on the creamy soft sand, tossed his water and phone alongside it and plopped down. He pulled his knees up and rested his arms atop his knee caps as he looked around. Mainland beaches he had been told were nothing when compared to the various island beaches found in Thailand. Blue thought the view from where he was sitting was pretty outstanding enough.

Blue leaned back on his elbows and let his eyes from behind his sunglasses casually roam along the wide area. Various people of all nationalities were actively going about their business. Some were playing in the water while some played in the sand. Others were throwing a frisbee, while others, like him were just sitting and soaking up the sun.

"Nice!" Blue sighed out and straightened his arms down by his side, letting his torso fall back so that he lay almost lifeless stretched out on the towel. "Very nice," he drawled out, enjoying the hot sun on his skin. He sat up suddenly and whipped off his t-shirt, before settling back down again. He wouldn't keep it off for long though, he thought. This kind of direct sunlight could easily burn him. Reaching his arm out he blindly searched for his cell. Making contact he lifted it up and set the alarm. He'd give himself a little time on his back and then a little time laying on his front before putting his shirt back on. He hadn't come all this way to leave without a tan!

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