Chapter 9 Boys Will Be Scolded

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Kulap watched Mia as she smiled and waved goodbye to the departing taxi that carried Blue back to his hotel. 'She had clearly liked him,' Kulap thought. As he knew all, too well there really wasn't anything not to like about Blue. He was intelligent, nice, well mannered, and... incredibly gorgeous.

Seeing him standing in the lobby a few hours ago, a head taller than most anybody else, even if Kulap hadn't known him at first sight his heart would have. The instantaneous and well-remembered thump thumping of his heart had returned at the mere sight of Blue, his heart instantly recognizing its owner. Still after all this time, Kulap could do nothing but admit, at least to himself, that Blue Cavanaugh owned the title, deed, and certificate to his most vital organ. He most probably always would.

That immediate vulnerability had set Kulap on edge as instantaneously as his heart had increased in speed. Being defensive and angry and not a little scared he now conceded, had had Kulap donning his titanium-like armor in self-protection. Adapting the icy and aloof business persona that he had perfected over the years had not been difficult either. Watching the confusion and pain in Blue's eyes as he met and interacted with this snotty jerk had been.

At no time could he ever remember hurting Blue, intentionally or unintentionally. The mere thought of doing so would have seemed ridiculous to the Kool of four years ago. It seemed even more outrageous to the Kool of today. So, the fact that he, Kulap had gone out of his way to be as unfriendly as he could seemed quite preposterous. And pitiful. To say his actions had left a bad taste in his mouth would be a bloody understatement. Kulap sighed. The sound coming from deep, deep within.

The sound also seemed to trigger Mia. One second Kulap was watching Mia happily waving goodbye to Blue and in the next second she was whirling on him in frustration. His sigh evidently sparking her memory and subsequent outrage at his behavior. Kulap looked at her, mentally bracing himself. She was mad at him and he knew why and he didn't disagree. He had behaved poorly. Maybe even embarrassed her as Mia was incredibly soft-hearted and very seldom met someone, she didn't like let alone behave so disgracefully towards them. The fact that Kulap had treated Blue, someone she knew he had once loved, this way, he could only imagine what she was thinking. Though from her face, always an open book, it wasn't hard to decipher that she was very disappointed in him.

Her smile gone from her lips, her eyes no longer shining she looked away from him, biting her lip.

"Look," Kulap started to say but she flicked her hand outward, hushing him.

She sighed softly and shook her head at him before grabbing his hand and started walking, pulling him along with her. He obediently followed as she led him over to the valet booth, signaling Kulap to give the young man their ticket. They remained silent as they waited for the valet to retrieve the car. It wasn't until they were in the car, seatbelts on, and pulling out into traffic that Mia started to talk. Her anger under control now but her disappointment still prevalent.

"Can you tell me what you were thinking?" she asked looking over at him. Her eyes lingering on his profile.

Kulap fought the urge to grind his teeth. Not in anger at Mia but in frustration at himself. He still couldn't believe he had treated Blue like that. Granted there had been a few times at least that he had seen Blue flash his fabulous smile sincerely, but those times had occurred few and far between Kulap's arrogant behavior. The hand resting atop the steering wheel tightened.

"Well?" Mia demanded when Kulap continued to drive without answering.

Kulap turned his head and darted Mia a look before turning back to face the road. Where to start, he thought to himself, not really having an answer. He still wasn't sure why he had behaved like that. It had been instinctive and self-protective. It had also been stupid, mean, and selfish. Never having behaved in such a manner, Kulap was finding it difficult to explain.

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