Chapter 28 Boys Will Come Out

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Kulap glanced at his watch as he pulled on to the paved driveway that led to his house. His mother should be home. His father should not. Knowing his mother as he did, she had most likely not told his father anything yet. It was her ace that she would hold tightly to her chest to keep Kulap in check. He just needed to go in there and somehow turn the ace she held on to into the joker but for the life of him he didn't have any idea how to make that happen.

Perspiration dotted his temples and his pulse was fluttering faster than the speed of light or so it felt. Since getting Blue's text he had been nervous. Since talking to Blue and hearing those two words, 'She knows,' He had been down right panicking. And not because of his mother but because of Blue. What had she said to him that would make his voice hoarse and quivery like that?

Gut clenching, knowing he could put nothing passed her, Kulap breathed deep, parked the car, and jumped out with no hesitation. He was dying to get to Blue. His first instinct was to run to him and make sure he was okay, but in this Blue was correct. He needed to see his mother first. He needed to face her.

Kulap wasn't kidding himself that anything miraculous was about to change for himself with this confrontation. His life as she expected it to go would most likely carry on in that same direction. But there were some truths that needed to be spoken and she had chosen the day for him. It was not his fault if she didn't like hearing what he had to say.

Thankfully, because Blue had given him a heads up about his mother, he would not be a sitting duck when he met with her. Blue's informing Kulap, allowed him the opportunity to take the fight to her. His advance would cut off any opportunity for her to make one of her sweeping grand entrances or powerplays she so enjoyed and excelled at, often times confronting him when he was least prepared.

She liked weaknesses. She loved grinding them beneath her heel. Kulap felt sure she thought knowing his weakness was the ultimate weapon against him. He needed to make her understand that it was not. And furthermore, it would be a huge mistake to try to use it against Blue.

Lean figure shaking in reaction as well as fear and fury, Kulap took the front stone steps two at a time, and strode through the front door heading directly to his mother's study. She was usually there at this time of the day winding down with charity correspondence. Today, he saw as he walked through her office doors without knocking, was no exception.

Her head whipped up from the paper she had been reviewing, her hand raising to lower the reading glasses perched on her nose. Her frown affronted at the rude entrance. Her tongue as usual sharp and reprimanding.

"I hope you have a good excuse for your behavior!" she pronounced, sitting back in her chair, crossing her legs, her glasses still held in one hand. Her pose was all too familiar. It reeked of pretentiousness. Something his mother excelled at.

"I think you would know better than I do why I am here, mother," he responded, walking over lazily, and sitting down in one of the sandalwood chairs across from her desk. Two he thought could play this game.

Never in his life had he tried confronting his mother. Never once had he challenged her interference in his life. Family duty was family duty so, how could he? But this time was different. This time she had brought Blue into her machinations. He couldn't let her do that. He couldn't let her hurt Blue.

Again, Kulap could hear the tightly controlled sound of Blue's voice less than an hour ago on the phone. He knew Blue was upset from the moment he heard him speak. The only other time he could remember hearing Blue sound like that had been the night all those years ago when Mallory had accused him of assaulting her. Hearing it again today infuriated Kulap and his anger rose up again at the woman who sat so arrogantly across from him. This woman who was his mother but acted anything but mother-like.

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