Chapter 21 Boys Will Be Boys +++18+++

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Kulap burrowed into the warm... warm... he squinted a sleepy eye open and glanced round. His hand rested on warm slightly moving silk and he patted it lightly, moving his hand slowly upward trying to remember what he had fallen asleep next to. Memories rushed back. Erotic images flooded his mind. Blue!

His other eye opened and his head tilted back so he could look further up, his eyes making sudden contact with the softly smiling eyes of the man who had become his lover last night. Kulap's heart skipped a beat and he smiled drowsily up at Blue, his hand still lightly petting the warm firm skin over his abs.

As he stared lazily up at him, his mind still blitzed from the night before, the hand lazily stroking his belly rose hirer still, stroking up his chest, alongside his neck, cupping his cheek, pulling him down towards him for a soft peck.

"Good morning," he murmured, his trademark Kool smile on full display.

Blue kissed him and pulled back, giving him a cheeky wink. "Good morning, to you!" he replied appearing to Kulap to be in as good as mood as he was. That thought thrilled Kulap to the tips of his toes.

At that thought Kulap's body instinctively responded by contracting his torso into the kind of deep stretch only very well used muscles could appreciate. Halfway through the enjoyable stretch though the joy became more nightmare as his lower back and ... beyond suddenly screeched in shocking pain.

"Oh, my... Ahh!" he moaned, his eyes watering at the sharp stinging sensations permeating his lower half and tailbone area.

He was stuck in a half-sitting up and half-reclining stance. Thankfully, Blue's big warm body was what was acting as his recliner, and his recliner had arms that moved on their own. He was never more grateful for those strong appendages as Blue adjusted his body enough to wrap both arms around Kulap from behind and slowly drag him gently back into him between his legs, letting Kulap's abused lower half rest comfortably in the vee of his legs, his body's natural heat better than any heating pad a person could buy.

"I know you are smiling," Kulap grumbled into the silence.

He knew he was blushing and was happy that at least Blue wouldn't witness that humiliation as well. His body now nestled back to chest with Blue, his head tucked up under his chin, Blue's arms wrapped around him from behind and resting clasped on his tummy, could feel the minute vibrations as Blue gave into the chuckles he had obviously been trying to suppress.

"Your sympathy is overwhelming," Kulap muttered, but his reappearing smile made a mockery of his supposed unhappiness.

He couldn't help it. A chuckling Blue was almost irresistible. A chuckling Blue holding him so snuggly was completely irresistible. It definitely made this mornings discomfort more bearable.

"Of course, I am only in this predicament because of you," he thought and actually said out loud, his tone playfully accusing. He hurt. It was Blue's fault. He wouldn't mind being pampered. If nothing else his ass deserved it!

Kulap felt Blue move his jaw bone so that it rubbed the top of his head, before he lowered his stubble roughened cheek down next to Kulap's, nuzzling him softly.

"Poor baby," Blue hummed next to Kulap's cheek, his hands unclasping each other so he could unwrap one arm from around him and insinuate his hand, palm flat between his body and Kulap's lower back, where he began making small slow circular rubbing motions, easing the deep ache.

"Mm..." Kulap murmured, enjoying both the warm hand messaging his overused muscles as well as the raspy feel of Blue's cheek still nestling his.

"Better?" Blue asked some minutes later.

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