Chapter 15 Boys Will Connect Part II

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Their lips brushed once, twice. Blue slowly lifted his head up a few inches as he felt Kool ease back away from him. He stared down for long moments into Kool's face, his eyes. Would there be a third?

Kool was so special to Blue. These past few days had reminded him clearly of why Kool had never strayed far from his mind. Blue hurt for him, too. His family life seemed difficult and cold. It was something Blue couldn't identify with, having been blessed with extremely supportive and loving parents. He wanted to console Kool. Putting his arm around him in comfort, and walking along the beach had been as natural to him as breathing. Kissing him had, too. But he couldn't tell what Kool was thinking right now or how he was feeling or where the next few moments would lead them.

He waited, barely breathing, hoping Kool could see his feelings. Hoping Kool shared them, at least a little. Blue wanted to explore this moment. He wanted to take a chance on all those possibilities that dangled out there just out of reach, like the stars in the night sky. Could they, together take this chance?

Blue waited anxiously giving Kool time to figure out what he needed. It felt like forever. He could feel the finest of tremors in his arms as they remained wrapped around Kool's shoulders, not too tight but not loosely either. His arms, like his lips, were still waiting for Kool's next move.

A heartbeat later an earthy moan escaped from Kulap's mouth and his smaller frame catapulted up towards Blue, his hands clinched on either side of Blue's shirt, pulling downward against the upward thrust of his body. Blue didn't make him reach far. With Kool's sound of surrender, Blue met him more than halfway, relinquishing thought and stepping in to the moment!

Blue's thoughts zinged while his mouth devoured! Kool was in his arms! He was kissing him! It was surreal. It was wonderful!

Blue lowered his arms while still keeping Kool within his grasp, so that they now snagged him around his waist, lifting him up closer and tighter against his body. Kool's frame was lean and taut, enabling Blue to draw him flush up against his tall form, space a foreign concept as they pressed tightly together sharing the moment as completely as they could.

For a split second, Blue fleetingly thought, 'I'm kissing a guy.' But as their mouths ate at each other, lips and jaws moved, nibbling at the others, tongues dueling, the thought didn't stick around very long. At all. He was, too swept away by how good it felt, how right, for the trivial fact that it was a guy to make any greater of an impact on him. Powered by that realization, Blue let go of any lingering inhibition he had been holding on to without realizing it, and gave himself up completely.

Keeping a firm grip around Kool's back, Blue loosened one arm enough to raise it up slowly over Kool's back, caressing up to his shoulder, his neck, and cupping the back of his head, his fingers cushioned by the springy softness of his hair. He angled his head more and pulled Kool deeper into the kiss. He still wasn't close enough!

Kool countered Blue's movement with his own. His hands released the sides of Blue's shirt so that one arm rose up to wrap around his neck. Kool pulled Blue in closer as well as lifted himself up. At the same time his other hand slid up Blue's side, over the warm muscled chest and up over the warm skin of his neck to his face, cupping his cheek. He held him in place so that they fit together perfectly, like two puzzle pieces clicking into place.

Smoothly, effortlessly, impatiently the kiss went on... and on... and on. Their breathing became ragged. Their bodies trembled. Hardened. Blue pushed Kool's lower body deeper into his, letting their lower halves press intimately together, communicating all on their own.

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