Chapter 19 Boys Will Surrender ***18+***

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Kulap stared out the front windshield without responding to Blue's painful question. He couldn't. The fact that his getting married could even hurt Blue was still something he couldn't quite get his head wrapped around. And the other fact, the one where nothing he could say could make things better anyway, was pretty much keeping him from saying anything at all.

Frustrated with himself, the entire situation, he came to a sudden decision. Starting the car, surprising Blue, he drove away from the portico and found the closest parking spot.

Turning the car back off he glanced over at Blue. "Come on," he said, unfastening his seat belt and climbing out of the vehicle. He walked to the front of the car and stopped, waiting for the man who still sat in the SUV. Blue was staring at him through the windshield, his expression somber and confused.

Kulap's heart twisted a bit inside his chest. Blue on the whole was a positive, happy guy. Seeing him like this, knowing it was his fault, was knotting Kulap up inside. He wanted to fix it somehow but didn't have a clue where to begin. He only knew he needed to try.

In a decisive move, Kulap walked over to the passenger door and opened it wide, standing back for Blue to exit. "Come on," he repeated. "We need to talk and we can't keep doing it in the car," he insisted, grabbing his thick wrist and pulling him out of the vehicle. He released him immediately, not needing the distraction of touching his warm skin. Turning he started walking towards the hotel room, not waiting for Blue, not looking back to see if he followed.

After a few seconds, and rapid succession of heart beats later, Kulap finally heard the soft tread of Blue's footsteps following along behind him. Relief washed through him.

Kulap paused in front of the hotel doors, waiting for Blue, who had purposely remained a few steps behind Kulap as they walked through the parking lot. 'Such a sulker,' he thought with the first touch of anything remotely touching funny that he had felt in hours. The humor didn't last very long but it did revive him a bit. Reminded him of why he hadn't given up and just driven home.

Blue idled up beside Kulap and paused for the front automatic doors to slide open. As soon as they did, they both stepped over the threshold of the hotel and into the lobby. This time it was Kulap who paused enough to let Blue take the lead. He had no idea where Blue's room was.

"This way," Blue prompted, his first words spoken sense his admission. His voice was cooler than usual but not unwelcoming or ugly.

Deciding to take that as a good sign, Kulap followed him to the elevator and waited beside him for the lift to arrive. As they waited, he caught their blurred reflections in the stainless-steel doors. Blue was so big compared to his much more petite frame. Kulap loved how they looked together. He had always thought they complimented each other physically. Now knowing some of the thoughts Blue had had, he couldn't help but wonder what Blue thought when he saw them together like this?

Eyeing him, Kulap wasn't able to glean any of Blue's thoughts. From his facial expression, it didn't look like whatever he was thinking was anything good. Kulap sighed.

The doors suddenly opened, and Blue ad Kulap hesitated letting everyone exit, before they stepped in. Blue promptly pushed the nine button and the doors immediately shut. They were the only two in the lift, but still neither said a word. The melodic music playing quietly in the background grated on Kulap's nerves. The cheery upbeat melody mocked his inner unease. He rolled his head left and right, trying to ease the tension.

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