Chapter 35 Boys Eyes Will Be Open

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Kulap was frustrated. He thought he could leave work by at least four but it was starting to look like that wasn't going to happen. One problem cropped up after another. Stupid, simple problems but ones that still needed his attention nonetheless. Fate was conspiring against him today and as fate had pretty much conspired against him most his life when it came to love, he was feeling pretty pissed off.

He worked as quickly and as diligently as he could. He had probably gotten more done than most people would but situations kept arising until he wanted to scream. Why today of all days he wasn't sure but glancing at the clock seeing it was half past four already, he promised himself he wouldn't stay past five. He had one more night with Blue. This was their last night together. He just wouldn't waste another moment behind this desk instead of with him.

He had things he wanted to say. Things he had been scared to admit. But now that they had said I love you to each other, the most intimate of expressions they could voice, Kulap realized there no longer existed a need to hold back.

He wanted to claim at least once in his life that he had shared with another human more than just his body and emotions. He wanted to share the words. He wanted to say these things to Blue.

Knowing something in your heart was all well and good but hearing it out loud, spoken by the one you loved in return, surpassed everything else. He had learned that when he had heard Blue tell him that he loved him. The moment the words had been said in Blue's gruff passion filled voice, Kulap's brain had clicked with the warmth of acceptance and home. He finally understood that there was a space in life carved especially for him where he belonged and was cherished.

Isn't that what everyone wanted after all, to have that one person to belong to? That person you could relate to and understand even if no one else did. That person who in turn accepted you, faults and all. The person you shared your life with through the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Blue was all of that and more to Kulap. He couldn't let Blue leave without telling him how very special he was. Physically, intellectually, and spiritually Blue Cavanaugh was the perfect man for Kulap Somboon. He was quite simply a perfect man period. Kulap needed him to know that.

Finalizing the last of his work, about ready to make his escape, Kulap placed his hands on his desk ready to stand when suddenly his door was thrust open and Mia's father, his face red and raging burst through. His fist was waving and the air was filled with angry accusations towards Kulap.

Confused he continued to his feet and held his hand up towards Mia's father in a calming gesture.

"Father," he interjected. "I don't understand. Please start over and tell me what is wrong," Kulap requested, completely confused.

Earlier today, after settling Mia's father's financial worries he had been as happy as a lark. He had pumped Kulap's hand over and over again in thanks, very appreciative of his soon to be son-in-law's compassion and assistance. He had left Kulap's office practically skipping in glee so his show of temper now was baffling. And very loud.

Kulap strode around his desk in hopes of closing his office door to mute his furious tirade. Kulap didn't like office gossip and the last thing he needed was rumors circulating considering the nuptials on Saturday. For personal reasons and business reasons, reports of that nature could be damaging. He wouldn't have Mia affected nor the company. He just needed to find out what had gotten the old man in such a tizzy.

"Tell you what's wrong?" Mia's father parroted back. "Tell you what's wrong?" he said yet again as if stuck on the basic question as if it was the dumbest one, he had ever heard.

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