Chapter 25 Boys Will Play

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After almost three hours in the car Kulap finally pulled up outside a small grocery store. It was obviously old but also very clean. Fresh produce in small crates decorated the front entrance. Potted plants hung outside, their greenery welcoming. Despite the darkness lights blazed signaling the shop was still open for business.

He looked over at Blue who returned his look with raised eyebrows. He had been pestering Kulap for those same three hours for details of where they were going. Kulap hadn't given in and for the last thirty minutes Blue had started pouting. He was ridiculous but adorable.

He would never tell Blue that though.

"Come on," he instructed as he opened his door and stepped out.

Blue didn't say a word or ask a question but he did at least follow Kulap and they walked together into the small shop.

"Grab whatever you want to eat for lunch and breakfast tomorrow as well as snacks. We will eat dinner out so you do not need to worry about that," he said as he moved towards the bottle waters and grabbed a case along with some beer.

Blue simply followed Kulap where ever he went instead of branching out on his own. Tall and silent beside him, his sulking countenance making Kulap smile on the inside. He was too freaking cute.

On the outside though, other than rolling his eyes, Kulap ignored him. He would not let Blue know how easily he got to him. Blue would become incorrigible if left unchecked. If Blue knew he had Kulap as wrapped around his little finger as he had him, Kulap shuddered to think of the theatrics Blue would get up to.

He did however, give in to his silent promise to himself before they made this trip and as the two of them walked the isles, Blue pushing the cart, Kulap suddenly reached out and placed his hand over Blue's giving it a squeeze before simply letting it rest idly on top of his as they continued walking.

Kulap felt Blue tense beside him. Blue looked down at him in question. Kulap looked up and smiled before turning away and reaching for something on the shelf, placing it in the cart and replacing his hand back on top of Blue's in silent answer. Blue's answering smile at the return of Kulap's hand made him melt inside. Blue understood. And Blue was happy.

Heart smiling, mouth smiling, feeling bold Kulap reached up on tiptoe and placed a quick simple kiss on Blue's cheek right there in the middle of the small store. No matter how much he may have wanted to, he would never full out kiss him on the mouth in a gesture of complete PDA. He would never have done it even if he were straight. Overboard public demonstrations of affection were just not for him. But from Blue's sharp-eyed expression, the simple kiss was more than enough.

Blue leaned down and kissed the top of Kulap's head and then spoke, his words so softly spoken, Kulap almost did not catch.

"Of all the kisses that one is my favorite."

Kulap felt tears spring to his eyes. Not only touched to his heart by Blue's words he also felt pain to his gut. How their clandestine relationship must have hurt Blue, Kulap's first thought. Such an open, what you see is what you get, kind of personality, hiding away something good must have been harder on him than Kulap had ever realized.

So, used to staying hidden in the shadows for most of his life, Kulap for the first time fully digested what the need for secrecy was doing to someone like Blue. Heavy hearted, Kulap reached his hand up and cupped Blue's strong jaw, his apology written plainly on his face his lips opening to express but Blue cut him off.

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