Chapter 29 Boys Will Be Blue

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Crushed didn't come close to describing how Blue felt as he watched Kool walk away from him. He leaned back against his open hotel door and watched the retreating figure walk further and further down the hallway. It seemed so wrong. Right now, Kool needed to be with him and Blue needed Kool.

He sighed as Kool rounded the corner that would take him to the elevator doors. With a last glance he stepped back into his room and shut the door. He leaned back against it with a solid thunk, his body tired and his heart heavy. Today had been unbelievable. Though he had appeared composed with Kool, it was all a sham. He had wanted to appear strong for him. Inside though, he was a mess of emotions and feelings.

He had never actively disliked someone as much as he had Kool's mother today. She gave a whole new meaning to the word ugly. Her superior attitude as she had touted one nasty thing after another at Blue had been devastating. It didn't matter if he knew that ultimately, she was wrong and half crazy, her words and flung accusations had meant to wound and they had, hitting him with destructive accuracy.

The fact that that was Kool's mother had still yet to fully resonate with him. He had never met another mother like her in his life. He had only ever seen the likes of her on television. Blue had always thought those women on television to be extremely over exaggerated and ridiculous. He couldn't believe he had met one in real life that was much, much worse.

He shuddered as he remembered being handed the photographs of, Kool and him. The fact that she had had those taken, that there were copies most likely out there made his stomach churn. And God he wished he had never mentioned them to Kool!

Apparently, those pictures had been meant for his eyes only. Kool's mother hadn't completely shown her sheer evil capabilities to her son. If only Blue had known that, he would not have burdened Kool with the knowledge that there were intimate pictures of the two of them in someone else's possession. Blue became livid all over again just thinking about the invasion of their privacy and the infringement into their sexual life.

It was disgusting!

The very words she had hurled at them!

The irony of her actions was not lost on Blue. All the ugly things she had called him he felt he could turn back on her and be way more accurate. She was a horrible person who had done some serious damage today to her son. Blue only hoped that Kool could bounce back and not sink further into the void he saw as his future.

Tired and it wasn't even five o'clock Blue headed into the bathroom. He would have loved a soak in the large jet tub but considering he had just gotten a tattoo he would have to forgo that pleasure and get a shower instead. His shoulders were so tense. He longed for the harsh hot spray of water on his tight muscles. He grabbed the plastic tape the tattoo artist had been kind enough to give him and quickly covered the bandage over his tat.

He sighed as he thought about Kool seeing the tattoo. He really didn't want anything about today's events to be tied up with his memories of showing it to Kool. It was bad enough his getting the tattoo would always be synonymous with meeting his mother for the first time and the ugly mafia-like situation that had followed. It had been like something out of a bad movie. Blue still couldn't accept the reality that everything had really happened.

Blue turned on the faucet and waited for the water to get warm. He glanced at himself in the mirror. He looked tired and pale. He also looked sad.

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